Messages for your daughter: advice from a mother to send by phone

The mother and daughter relationship is enduring. It doesn’t matter if your daughter is an adult woman, because she will continue to need maternal advice for the rest of her life. That’s why you can continue to send messages to your daughter. If you want to continue transmitting your experience to your daughter.

Messages to send to your daughter by SMS

  • Any mother wants her daughter to be a good person, but that doesn’t mean she has to be an innocent good girl ‘Good girls go to heaven…and bad girls go everywhere’. You can send your daughter from the funniest to the most useful advice ‘you must be the change you want to see in the world’.
  • Although friends are in charge of comforting in cases of heartbreak, the experience of a mother can be priceless. She sends your daughter so that she knows what really matters ‘True beauty is not in the face, where many look for it; it is in the heart, where few know how to reach’. And so that she learns to distinguish the different types of people ‘Ella She learns to value the people who love you, not the ones you love’.
  • Conversations about sentimental matters can be uncomfortable between mother and daughter, but that does not mean that you should not transmit your teachings to her. If you send your daughter full of wisdom, one day she will thank you ‘if love squeezes, it’s not your size’. No one better than a mother to see that her daughter has fallen in love with the wrong person ‘if love hurts, you love the wrong person’.
  • You can also send your daughter cute messages to tell her how much you love her ‘Daughter, you have been a great teacher. As soon as I was born you taught me to love’. And the best gift you can give a daughter so that she loves herself a lot ‘Promise me that you will always love yourself the way I love you’.

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