Messages for your son: advice from a mother in an SMS

It is more than evident that children sometimes do not listen to their mothers. While their mother talks, they are on their mobile phone talking to friends. So if you want him to get your advice, you better send some messages to your son. Condense your experience and your recommendations and take a look to tell your child everything he needs to know.

Messages to send to your child by phone

  • For a mother, the most important thing is the happiness of her son, so you can continue to give him advice even if he is not at home. “Never give up because you never know if the next try will work” or send them a message reminding them of what really matters “The most important thing in life is spending more time with people.” people you love’.
  • There is no reason to get intense in every message you send to your child. Sometimes you can send very frequent situation but that you are not willing to tolerate ‘if you are going to become a hippie try to live off nature, not your parents’. Irony also fits in messages that are true life lessons ‘try that your words are sweet and soft in case one day you have to swallow them’.
  • You can send, especially those that become valuable vital teachings ‘don’t look back; you’re not going in that direction’. It never hurts to transmit to your child the patience that is needed for things to come ‘Neither too fast nor too slow. Everything has its time’.
  • You can also send, those kinds of messages that will make him a better person ‘what you do to others, you do to yourself’. No one has said that the values ​​​​learned in childhood cannot be remembered in an SMS ‘try to be the type of person you would like to meet’.

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