Messages of solidarity and support for those who need it most

Solidarity is closely linked to generosity and support and the truth is that we need more and more supportive people. who are having a hard time and how comforting it is sometimes to receive a message of solidarity.

Solidarity messages to show your support

  • It is the friends who most directly should receive our solidarity. ‘It doesn’t matter who was in your moments of happiness, but who was in the difficult moments’. Although we can also think of solidarity as a broader action that includes not only the closest people ‘the world changes with your example, not with your opinion’.
  • There are many people who are suffering right now and for different reasons. ‘As long as there is a single look that smiles at you, you will have half the battle won’. And for the most faithful people, the biblical messages are a great consolation ‘Lord, I ask you a shower of blessings for the person who is reading this’.
  • Acknowledging what people do for us is also a form of solidarity. It is ‘A good friend is the one who gives you advice for hours knowing that you are not going to follow any’. Because solidarity is one of those feelings that define friendship ‘the true friend is in your fall and catches you before you fall to the ground’.
  • We can show our solidarity, from the most general ‘One by one, we are all mortal. Together, we are eternal’, even the individual messages to that person who today feels depressed ‘those efforts that seem useless today are the ones that will direct your destiny tomorrow’. The important thing is that our messages say that we are still by your side.

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