Messages to commemorate Women’s Day 2023: phrases for equality

On March 8 we celebrate Working Women’s Day, International or Women’s Day. A date marked on the calendar that receives various names and more and more support. During this celebration, the female gender is vindicated and also the important and necessary role of women in modern society and in history. We show you the best messages to commemorate Women’s Day 2023 with some phrases for equality. Don’t miss it!

Phrases to celebrate Women’s Day 2023

The main objective of this date and all the acts that are carried out is to fight for equality between men and women, as well as to claim the right and fundamental role of women in society. For this reason, we show you some phrases with which you can congratulate them on the occasion of Women’s.

1Only you can be the heroine of your life

2I want for myself what I want for other women: absolute equality

3Never doubt the strong and special woman you are.

4The freedom of my mind has no limits

5Without the woman, life would cease to exist.

6I want, I can, I deserve it and I’m going for it

7Gender only recognizes who I am

8Our men believe that making money and giving orders are the bases of power. They do not believe that power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone throughout the day and gives birth

9You are peace, love, intelligence and hope

10No one will tell you that the sky is the limit, only you will say how far you will go

Eleven If I have the impulse to fly, who is going to stop me?

Happy Working Women’s Day: phrases to give away on March 8

During this day, events will be held to invite reflection on the emotional burden, especially as a result of the pandemic, the new modality of teleworking and how difficult it is often to reconcile work and family. These, in addition to congratulating Women’s Day, can also serve to raise awareness about these important aspects.

12The bravest act is to think for you, out loud.

13I wish you, women of this world, that you have power over yourselves

14Equality is everyone’s responsibility

Fifteen Feminism is the radical idea that women are people.

16There is no barrier, lock or latch that you can impose on the freedom of my mind

17You are also a powerful woman

18The woman is color, aroma, vitality, energy, joy and life

19I just want to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free

Twenty on March 8 we will remember together how important and valuable women are.

Twenty one if we do not support each other we will not be able to achieve our goals

22Remember that you have to prioritize yourself

The best phrases to commemorate International Women’s Day

Every March 8, both men and women celebrate Women’s Day as a show of support for society’s to achieve equal rights and recognition of the role of women as workers, mothers, friends, and sources of life. An appointment that is marked by concentrations and congratulatory phrases like the ones we show you here.

23The best way to cultivate courage in our daughters and other young women is by example. If they see their mothers and other women in their lives face the future without fear, they will know that it is possible to do it.

24Before God, we are all equally wise and equally foolish.

25Equality will come when a foolish woman can go as far as a foolish man can today

26Women are the largest untapped pool of talent in the world

27When you smile it makes you an even more beautiful and powerful woman.

28Women’s equality must be a central component in any attempt to solve social, economic and political problems.

29To you sister, friend, mother, partner, worker, fighter, source of life, for always being there by my side.

30To all the women in my life who are and will always be my encouragement

31Thank you for making me see that I am also capable of everything

32Gender equality and social equity must be a constant in our lives

33Well behaved women rarely make history

3. 4Thank you for being a woman, friend, mother and source of inspiration.

35Congratulations on being the super woman that you are.

36Thanks to you and your example I feel proud to be a woman

37Don’t let anyone ever make you feel inferior.

38I am a woman

Congratulations for March 8, 2023 full of meaning

During Women’s Day celebrated on March 8, do not miss the opportunity to dedicate to all the women in your life one of these phrases full of meaning, emotion and also gratitude. How are you going to get your message across to your mother, sister, colleagues and friends? Out loud, perhaps? By chat accompanied by? We continue with the latest batch of phrases for Women’s Day that you cannot miss!

39The feminist revolution has arrived

40Feminism means equal rights

41I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves

42You don’t have to be a Jew to fight anti-Semitism, just as you don’t have to be black to fight racism. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems that to combat discrimination against women you have to be a woman

43I can’t say if women are better than men. However, I can say without hesitation that they are not worse

44Don’t stop until you can say you’re proud of yourself

Four. Five Equality is a vital need of the human soul. The same amount of respect and attention is owed to every human being, because respect has no degrees.

46If someone considers themselves limited by their gender, race, or origin, they will become even more limited.

47All men should be feminists. If men care about women’s rights, the world will be a better place. We are better when women are empowered: this leads to a better society

48Defend your right to think and be a free woman

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