Messages to make you laugh: witty messages for everyone

If life is hard, we fight it with a sense of humor, so we can also send messages to make people laugh. Funny messages, with a witty point to brighten the day or simply to let off steam.

Laughter in text messages or what Sapp

  • Love disappointments are propitious situations with that touch of humor that makes us feel better ‘When you grow up, come find me; I’ll be playing Play’. And it is that you have to laugh at everything, until the biggest disappointments ‘while you ignore me, a mosquito harasses me and whispers things in my ear’.
  • To make people laugh, we can also send original sexual messages ‘An educated penis is the one that rises for a woman to sit on’, although we must pay close attention to the recipient before clicking ‘send’. The funny hints that refer to sex are most effective ‘it’s not sex; it’s the desire to put all this love inside you’.
  • To make people laugh, messages of all kinds fit, from the deepest reflections “To have a healthy relationship…fall in love with a lettuce” to the most intense declarations of love “Maybe I wouldn’t kill dragons for you, but I would look at them with much contempt’ And it is that in this life everything is moved by love and humor.
  • For a message to have more effect we can do it, but easily assimilated and without losing humor ‘there are doors to public toilets that are more interesting than many people’. It is precisely in public toilets where we find the most rude but at the same time ingenious messages ‘If you make a profane rhyme again, Troy will burn’.

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