Messages to send by mail for all situations

There are some messages that it is better to send by email so that the recipient has time to reflect before answering something. They are motivating messages of love, disappointment or disappointment.

The messages that you must send by mail

  • Disappointments take time. ‘I didn’t cry for you, I cried for all the things, moments and people I left to be with you’. So that the recipient of your disappointments takes his time ‘the greatest human stupidity: valuing someone who is not worth it and hurting someone who gave everything for one’.
  • You can also send messages by email to reflect on ‘Envy exists in people who do not know how to accept the happiness of others’, to encourage someone on a gray day or to see if the recipient understands the idea ‘The truth of people is not in their words, but in their actions’.
  • ‘You have the right to make mistakes. If others don’t know how to accept them, it’s their problem, because you were born to be happy, not perfect’, to the most motivating messages ‘If you were free of all fear, do you know what would happen? That you would do exactly what you want to do.
  • And of course, email is one of those means through which you can send  your platonic love ‘I think of you even if you don’t know it, I smile at you even if you don’t see me and I love you even if you don’t believe it’. Or if you prefer, you can send a message to a friend so they know you’re still by their side from him ‘in bad times, count on me, because in good times you’ll have plenty of friends’.

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