Motivating letter to the coronavirus: together we will beat you

The coronavirus spreads without understanding borders or social classes and has turned our world upside down. Many are sick, isolated in hospitals, deprived of the embrace and care of their loved ones, but cared for with care by those heroes who take center stage on this occasion: health personnel. And more heroes have come to light, protagonists of that emergency that keep us all safe. we want to pay tribute to all those people who are leaving their souls to defeat Covid-19 and, for this reason, we have written this letter to the coronavirus. Together we will win the battle, be clear!

Letter to the coronavirus: text of encouragement to fight against Covid-19

To Covid-19,

We have a message for you, coronavirus: we are going to beat you. You can be sure of it and you can stop reading this letter here, although we have a few more things to tell you. Why did you come? Why have you turned our life upside down? Surely you are enjoying the chaos that you have organized, with the deserted streets, with the lonely parks without the laughter of the children and with everyone confined to our homes. Do you think you have the whole city to yourself now? Well, you’re wrong.

Because it is true that you have saturated hospitals. Those coronavirus patients are beating you from ignorance and without the embrace of their relatives, with the uncertainty of what exactly that virus is that has led them to be isolated. But more true is that the strength of these people makes you smaller every day, because they will be isolated but they are not alone. They have no one to hold their hands, but we are all with them and our support spreads faster than you.

You are also losing steam for those heroes who now more than ever receive all the recognition they have deserved for a long time, since before you came to change everything. Health personnel have always saved lives and they continue to do so in this state of alarm and confusion that you have created. And they do it with few resources, which make them heroes and magicians at the same time. You will have confined many people in hospitals, but between patients and health workers they are achieving the miracle.

Have you come to test us? You will be realizing that we are passing with a grade. The entire society has come together and now we prioritize care, solidarity, respect and love. We take care of each other and face you with responsibility. Solidarity initiatives also expand faster than you and we are all rowing in the same direction, supporting those who contribute their bit every day to stop you.

You will have also noticed that in these difficult days there are more heroes than villains. That gratitude has become a universal value in this chaotic society. A thank you that goes to those people who watch over our safety and who, like the toilets, we already recognized as essential. But it is that the list of heroes is more important than you. And our gratitude is infinite.

To the carriers who maintain the supply so that this does not become an apocalyptic postcard, to the staffs who work in supermarkets, pharmacies and other establishments facing you face to face every day. To those workers who don’t always receive the applause they deserve, who keep the facilities clean, who answer the phone to take away our fear or doubts, to those who go out every morning at the risk of bumping into you.

All this will pass and we will wipe you off the map. Meanwhile, we continue to strengthen ties, even if it is virtually, so that no sick person feels alone, so that no elderly person is left without food, so that no dependent is left without care and so that those on the front lines do not faint. Among all of us we are going to beat you, #everythingwillbewell and it will be the moment for those kisses and hugs that you have now deprived us of.

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