Phrases about karma that will make you understand the effects of your actions

Being aware of our karma is for many the way to achieve happiness and inner peace. Our karma is our guide in life, so keeping it in mind is the best way to live. We have prepared some phrases to reflect on what karma is and how it affects or enhances our lives. Because we believe it or not, the truth is that we always feel that when we act well, positive energy comes to us and vice versa. Get ready to better understand the consequences and effects of your actions with these messages.

What exactly is karma

Sometimes, in a colloquial way, we easily use the phrase “it’s your karma” or even “it’s my karma”, although we don’t always fully understand the depth of this expression. Karma is a spiritual concept that is present in several religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhist.

It is believed that it is the energy that is provoked based on the actions and even thoughts of people. When we do or think something negative, we cause negative energy that will somehow be returned to us in this or other lives. Thus, when we do something for others or have positive thoughts, karma will return to us at some point in the form of well-being. It is, above all, accepting that our actions have consequences, beyond the physical and momentary, but at a cosmic, energetic and universal level. Buddhists think that if we had full awareness and awareness of our karma and what it means, the world would be much kinder and we humans would be able to live in peace with ourselves and with others.

Karma is really a very powerful concept, which if we internalize it in our lives can help us not only to be happier, but also to make others happier.

31 Powerful Phrases about Karma

Sometimes karma is imagined as a kind of divine punishment, but in reality, karma is a spiritual concept that goes much deeper. It is about accepting the responsibility that as human beings we have in this world, with others, with nature and with ourselves. To better understand it, we have prepared some phrases that help us reflect and understand the meaning of karma. We hope you like them.

1Karma, when well understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests.

Karma is not a punishment but the consequence of our own conscience. Understanding it like this is another way of accepting it in our lives.

2I have no reason to hate someone; i believe in good karma and spreading good energy

One of the most important things about karma is trying to spread good thoughts to others so that we promote good energy in the universe.

3My actions are my only belongings. I can’t escape the consequences of my actions

A great phrase about karma by the Buddhist monk Thick Nat Hahn, who talks about what we really carry in life and what will define us as people.

4We become what we think

Thinking negatively about ourselves does not help us, it is better to value ourselves and think positively, that attitude will make us something wonderful.

5Sin makes its own hell and goodness makes its own heaven

What we decide to contribute in the world will be our karmic destiny.

6I wish that what you want for me, you receive it in triplicate for you

A beautiful phrase that helps improves our karma and that of others.

7I attract everything positive to me

Repeat this phrase to yourself every day and you will see how suddenly one day you will realize that it is real, because at a karmic level you will be attracting the best into your life.

8Hate does not diminish with hate, but with love

According to karma, the best way to remove hate from your life is love in all its manifestations.

9Make a decision and get ready for action: the Universe will conspire to make it happen

Do you think it’s real? According to Buddhists and Hindus, yes, and it is important to believe that this is the case for it to really happen.

10Those who are free of resentment will find peace

A Buddha phrase that has a lot to do with personal karma. Put aside resentments and you will feel whole and at peace with yourself.

Eleven Karma is like gravity: it is so fundamental that we often forget about it

A great phrase from the Buddhist monk Saying Melham who talks about karma as something that is always there, even if we sometimes forget it. However, keeping it in mind will help us always attract better energies.

12Karma is experience, experience creates memory, memory creates imagination and desire, and desire creates karma again.

This beautiful phrase by Deepak Chopra helps to understand the dynamics of karma and how, through our actions, we can attract positive energy.

13History repeats itself until we learn the lessons necessary to change our path.

For this very reason it is so important to learn from the situations we encounter in life, so as not to repeat patterns and live that story over and over again.

14Karma said: you will love who loves you for not having loved who loved you

It is important not to miss out on life’s opportunities and to love those around us who bring us positivity and good karma.

Fifteen you will only understand the pain you caused when the pain catches you

This is a very important karma lesson and one that we should all keep in mind. If you cause pain, at some point in this or another life you will receive the same or greater pain so that you can understand what it means and learn from it.

16If you think negatively, you will continue to see your problems. If you think positively, you will begin to see solutions

What a great truth! The only way to get out of a difficult situation is to start thinking positive, at some point the Universe will present you with the solutions.

17The field of karma is simple; as you have planted, you will reap

How do you take care of your plants? If you don’t water them, they’ll dry up, right? And if you water them correctly, they will grow beautiful and strong. The same goes for karma, if you don’t take it into account and don’t try to live positively, eventually you will have to face the consequences of your actions, but if your actions are kind and thoughtful to do well, you will feel at peace with yourself.

18Wish luck to whoever acts evil, because sooner or later they will need it

Having compassion for people who act evil is the best way to overcome your bad karma.

19Always tell the truth, so you don’t have to remember what you said

The one who lies, spends his life having to justify his lies, so that his own karma can never be at peace.

Twenty do not harm others with what hurts yourself

Do not pay your frustrations with other people, better forgive yourself and find your inner peace, it is the best way to find happiness.

Twenty-one Give, don’t expect to receive anything in return. Give, and when you give willingly, you will begin to receive

Try to give with your heart without expecting anything, and you will see how full you feel in life.

Twenty-one Revenge is a waste of time; in the long run, everyone will have to face their comeuppance

Everyone faces their karma sooner or later, so there is no point in wishing them ill or taking revenge. The best thing is to take care of our own karma that the Universe will take care of that of others.

22Treat others as you would like to be treated. It’s simple

Easy and simple, right? If we were all able to understand the substance of this sentence, we would treat each other much better. What do you think?

23Understand that everything is connected to everything else

Every word, thought and action leads us to a destination. We are the ones who have the personal power to choose that destiny with them.

24everything that goes, comes back

Remember this simple theory. A theory to ponder that although it is simple contains behind it a complexity that can lead you to live in a more conscious way.

25Continuing on the Universal Path means practicing selflessness and extending virtue to the world, unconditionally. In this way, one not only eliminates the heavy contamination accumulated throughout the various lives, but can also procure the possibility of restoring one’s own original divine nature and becoming an integral being of the multi-universe.

Our karma can be changed, if we accept to live selflessly and be kind and virtuous. It is what Buddhists and Hindus consider about karma. We do not always have to accept our karma as it is, we can reverse it with an exemplary life as expressed in this phrase by Lao Tzu.

26 There is a wonderful mythical law of nature by which the three things we most crave in life -happiness, freedom and peace- are always achieved by giving them to someone else.

What an amazing phrase, right? If you want something, offer it to others, you will see how the Universe rewards you.

27Remember that we all have superpowers because we are capable of changing our karma

Only we, with our actions and thoughts, are capable of improving our karma. That is why it is so important to work from within and improve the thoughts we have of ourselves.

28The way people treat you is their karma; how you treat them is yours

It is important to keep this in mind, not to think that the bad thing that happens to you is your karma, perhaps it can be a karmic lesson, but if you remain firm in giving the best to others, you will always get the same thing, the best.

29To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your consciousness, and accept what life brings.

One of the most important aspects of karma is acceptance, accepting yourself, accepting others and what life puts before you as a universal teaching.

30Karma is not an inviolable engine of cosmic punishment. Rather, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences.

It is not that karma is a divine punishment, but that our actions have consequences and we must learn to live with that responsibility.

31We met for a reason, either you’re a blessing or you’re a lesson

Keep this in mind with the people around you. Somehow you will realize what that person came to give you in this life.

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