Phrases for April fool’s Day: funny jokes to send

The Day of the Innocent Saints is a very special day within the Christmas season for most Catholics, who usually celebrate this day with some ecclesiastical activity. In addition, as with many traditions, non-practicing and even non-Catholics also sign up for this holiday with some joke or joke, since it is popularly allowed on this day to spend a little harmless doing on your closest friends..

For example, a funny message can be perfect to commemorate this day. we show you some phrases for the Day of the Innocent Saints. Record these funny jokes and send them by What Sapp (or by the means you prefer) to your friends, partner or family! You can also share them on! Laughter is guaranteed!

Day of the Holy Innocents: when is it celebrated and why

Before we continue with the jokes, let’s remember what exactly this day means. Actually, the Day of the Innocent Saints, December 28, is the commemoration of the fateful slaughter of children under two years of age that King Herod I the Great ordered to perpetuate to try to assassinate the newborn Jesus of Nazareth in Bethlehem, the announced Messiah and future king of Israel. Thus, the celebration of this day is a way to commemorate those terrible deaths and not forget the innocence of children, which should never be interrupted.

In the middle Ages, the religious holiday was combined with the pagan celebration of Fool’s Day, which was traditionally held between Christmas with harvest and fertility rituals. Finally, the church combined both festivities in what was called the Day of the Innocent Saints, celebrated every December 28.

In most Latin American countries and in Spain, this holiday is celebrated with different activities. For example, in Mexico, processions of innocent children are traditional and some churches offer gifts and food to baby Jesus. In El Salvador, the patronal festival of Antigua Cuscatlán is famous, in which floats adorned with images of children are created. In Spain, their dells Invariants or Fiesta de los enharinados is celebrated in Alicante, where a fun public flour battle takes place. And in Venezuela the famous festival of Los Zaragoza’s is celebrated, a kind of carnival of colorful costumes and masks.

Although December 28 is celebrated in a different way in each country, there is something that is common in all Spanish-speaking countries, and it is the tradition of making jokes or saying. For a day we can all be children and enjoy a little humor, as long as we don’t make jokes too heavy.

Funny phrases to send on the Day of the Innocent Saints

If you feel like celebrating this special day with a bit of humor, why not send some funny and mocking phrase to your loved ones? From the most traditional to some more modern, we have compiled the best phrases for April fool’s Day.

1 Innocent little dove that you let yourself be deceived, knowing that on this day nothing can be borrowed

This is the traditional phrase because in the past it used to be said that what was slow on the Day of the Innocent Saints was not returned. It was a common joke in, although today it has been lost.

2 A charred body without a brain has been found… tell me if you’re okay, please

A macabre joke to send to.

3 Hello, I have to confess something to you. I’m 10 days late and I’m going to get tested right now. Call me please

Maybe it’s a bit of a joke to dote, but… you’ll laugh for a long time.

4 Open bar this Saturday at 9 pm at my house. You are cordially invited. Bring just one broom and “open bar” throughout the house without interruptions

A very funny phrase, right? And with a bit of luck they will clean your house.

5 When you are sad read this message. No, not now, silly, only when you’re sad

A phrase similar to the one we used when we were children: ‘The one who reads it is stupid’.

6 Be careful with jokes, don’t be fooled if you don’t want to finish in a bad mood. Happy April fool’s Day!

It is the perfect phrase to warn someone before doing innocent evil. For the record, you have been warned.

7 When I was born, God gave me a choice between being very hot and having a memory, so HAPPY!!

A very funny way to throw some flowers on April fool’s Day.

8 “My skidding alpine bike”, read this sentence aloud, changing all the vowels to “e”

A Bart Simpson type joke button. By the way, we warn you that it is somewhat rude…

9 What a hit you hit the car, was it this morning?

Please, if you play this joke on someone, as soon as they reply, send them a Happy April Fool’s Day! Don’t make it a practical joke.

10 I would like you to live with me to take care of you, love you, give you all my love, and love you very much, but exotic pets are not allowed in my building. I’m sorry!

Make sure the person you send this teasing phrase to have a good sense of humor.

Eleven little monkey asks his mom, why are we so ugly? Oh son, don’t be ungrateful, if you saw the one who is reading this message…

Excuse us but we can’t help but say it… Innocent!

12 WhatsApp will close the servers in our country due to excess users, to avoid it, just press the turn off button for 200 seconds and then turn the phone back on

Believe us, more than one will turn off the phone…

13 Recent studies confirm that people who read their mobile with their right hand and then laugh slightly, end up reading this message without any sense

Put a note of humoring with this funny phrase.

14 I had never dared to tell you, but I think you already know. I like you a lot, and I don’t know why we have to stay just friends when it’s clear there’s something more…

One piece of advice, before sending this on April Fool’s Day, make sure that there are no romantic feelings between you and the person you are going to send it to, because then the joke could end very badly….

Fifteen I’m Gout, [your name’s] answering machine. If you have something important to tell him, type OK followed by his message from him and I’ll save it. However, the conversation will be deleted in 30 seconds

Leave with a ‘what’s going on?’ to your friend, your or your mother by What Sapp with this funny message that imitates an answering machine.

16 A user with this name already exists. Please enter another username

Another innocent similar to the previous one. Their jaws will drop (and you’ll get them to leave you alone for a while).

17 Excuse me ma’am, but you’ve made a mistake. I am not her son de Ella.

But, let’s see… who are you trying to talk to?

This is my phone number, there is no Jose here.

If you know that your will talk to you that day at a certain time, change the profile photo and when she writes to you on What Sapp, use this message. It will be a very funny prank!

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