Phrases for International Youth Day: VERY cute messages

International Youth Day is celebrated every August 12. Proclaimed by the UN in 1999 and following the recommendations of the World Conference of Youth Ministers held in Lisbon in May 1998, during that day various events are carried out with the aim of promoting and claiming the role of young people. In today’s society. We invite you to participate in this celebration by reading and sharing these phrases about International Youth Day, some very nice messages that will make you reflect.

How to celebrate International Youth Day?

The purpose of this date is to achieve a greater participation of young people in any area of ​​society with the aim of finding a solution to the challenges that life presents us. For this reason, to celebrate it, we invite you to reflect, whatever your age, on the role that young people play today.

In addition, you can join the many celebrations that will surely be held that day in your city on the occasion of such a special and meaningful day for everyone. Because, let’s remember, youth is not just a treasure, it is a resource, the best that our planet has.

Phrases to commemorate International Youth Day

We begin with the selection of phrases from famous authors that deal with youth and everything that encompasses its meaning. Which of them will become your favorite?

1Youth leads the fight to build a better future for all. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgency of achieving the kind of transformational change that youth aspire to, and youth must be fully associated in that effort.

Antonio Gutierrez

The phrase of the Secretary General of the United Nations deals with the aspirations of youth as the engine of much-needed change.

2Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of the spirit

Matthew German

That is why many people remain forever young despite their years.

3Youth is happy because it is blind. This blindness is his greatness. This inexperience is his sublime confidence. What a beautiful generation of active youth!

Jose Marti

With its flaws and it’s not so good things included, youth is a wonderful stage of life, the best of all!

4Being young is not being a few years old. It is keeping the illusion alive in the soul and awakens the ability in the spirit to dream; is to live with intensity and full of faith the heart

Louis A Ferret

Youth does not encompass a specific age that is defined by each person with their personality and their way of seeing life. Do you consider yourself a young person of spirit and heart?

5A youth without joy and without hope is not a true youth, but a man aged before his time.

John Paul II

Joy and vitality are qualities that define us!

6Youth is the age of disinterested sacrifices, of selflessness, of superfluous excesses.

Vicente Belasco Ibanez

What is youth for you?

7It’s better to be a young bumblebee than an old bird of paradise

Mark Twain

Always look on the bright side of life.

Very beautiful quotes to celebrate Youth Day

We continue with another batch of phrases that invite us to reflect on the passage of time and the different stages of life.

8Youth is the mistress of life and has a kingdom waiting for it

Oscar Wilde

It is the lady and also the one who invites us to dream big.

9There are no bad young people, only misguided young people

Saint John Boscov

Think about how things could change if the talent was well targeted, right?

10Age is absurd and forgetful when it underestimates youth

JK Rowling

How do you interpret this sentence ?

Eleven In youth we learn; in age we understand

Marie Bender von Achenbach

With the passage of time, our perspective on life also changes.

12The youth of today seem to have no respect for the past, nor any hope for the future.

Earl of Chesterfield

Do you agree with this phrase about youth?

13Youth heralds man like morning to day

John Milton

It sure is a morning full of light and good things to live.

14Youth is not made for pleasure, but for heroism

Paul Claudel

How many young people have believed themselves heroes, right?

Fifteen you’re only young once, and if you work it right, once is enough.

Joe E Lewis

The interesting thing is that this opportunity continues forever.

16Youth is the period of the possible

Ambrose Bierce

It is as if life had no limits.

International Youth Day: famous phrases and quotes

We end with these phrases from other authors who have also wanted to dedicate a word to those years in the life of every person in which everything appears in a special color: youth. We hope you like them a lot!

17The treasure of man is his green youth, the rest of life is winter and old age

Pierre Decayed

It may not be as pessimistic as this phrase says, but it is true that like youth there is no other stage like it.

18Go ahead; look for the occasions to do well; the world needs your will, it needs your commitment. Definitive decisions are essential to grow and achieve something great in life.


The time is now: don’t miss out on the opportunity!

19A society that isolates its youth cuts its moorings. She is doomed to bleed out

Chef Guevara

That is why we must take care of the young as much as possible.

Twenty the world will be what the youth wants; if she loves the truth and the good, that will be in the world

Werner Karl Heisenberg

Future generations will guide the world in which we live.

Twenty-one make my way tired and dusty, and stopped and doubtful, the youth remains behind me, lowering its beautiful head and refusing to accompany me.

Herman Hessen

And what happens then when he leaves us?

22Youth wants to be esteemed more than to be educated

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Therein lays the secret that many insist on ignoring.

23While I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in it, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He who follows this rule may be old in body, but he may never be so old in mind.


Our body will gain years, but our mind will retain the spirit of the best years lived.

24There is nothing that saves your youth. As far as I know, only a tree and a truth

Oliver Wendell Holmes

what is your opinion of this quote?

25We don’t inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

American Indian proverb

this last reflection speaks about the importance of leaving the best of this world to present and future generations.

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