Phrases for World Alzheimer’s Day: beautiful reflection quotes

September 21 marks World Alzheimer’s Day. A date that tries to put on the table the vulnerability of people suffering from the disease, as well as the situation in which their relatives and caregivers live. We have compiled a few phrases about Alzheimer’s and dementia. It is our little grain of sand!

World Alzheimer’s Day: famous phrases 

According to official data from the Spanish Society of Neurology, each year in Spain around 40,000 new cases of Alzheimer’s (progressive and chronic senile dementia) are diagnosed, making it the main cause of disability in the elderly. Without forgetting the rest of the cases, since it is estimated that 30% of Alzheimer’s cases are undiagnosed.

1The disease that hurts the most is the one you suffer from. The suffering caused by Alzheimer’s disease does not hurt physically. Destroys the soul shatters the heart

Clara Cortes

The heart of those who suffer it and also of all the people who are by their side.

2The thought of man, which consists only in the comparisons that are made to examine the sensations, cannot precede the existence of memory.

Giocoso Casanova

A memory in which so many memories are kept and that it hurts so much to lose.

3Alzheimer’s erases memory, not feelings

Pasqual Mara gall

It may be that at any given moment he cannot remember your name or everything that he has lived with you, but rest assured that he will know that he loves you and why you are so special to him.

4Memory is the diary that we carry with us everywhere. 

Oscar Wilde

When that diary is erased, it is other people, the closest  relatives, who take over to write it again.

5Without memory, we are not

Luis Rojas Marcos

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive mental illness characterized by memory loss, as well as temporal and spatial disorientation, and intellectual impairment.

6If we do not take care of the caregivers, we will not have one patient, but two

Pedro Simon

Taking care of those who take care of them is another important point that is revealed on World Alzheimer’s Day.

7Alzheimer’s is a very expensive disease and the administration must stop being a bureaucrat and become aware that when someone asks for help, they need it the next day

Lauren Carioca

This phrase indicates that the costly administrative processes in Spain to receive aid in the case of Alzheimer’s disease or another serious disease must be shortened; otherwise the patient will be left in a vulnerable situation.

8Alzheimer’s steals your memory and also the ability to remember who has taken what you loved the most

They say it’s one of the hardest mental illnesses there is, little by little watching your memory fade, how you need help for everything while you can’t remember where you left your shoes, what your children’s names are or why you loved someone so much. Your wife.

Quotes and reflections that talk about Alzheimer’s disease

Experts agree that Alzheimer’s is caused by reduced brain production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Among the main symptoms is memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, as well as carrying out daily tasks at home or at work. We continue with the phrases for World Alzheimer’s Day.

9The memory will go away, the memories will be erased, and a special shine will remain in his eyes because he knows that he has always been there.

This one to dedicate with special affection to the relatives of an Alzheimer’s patient.

10Alzheimer’s has a very high social and emotional cost, because it not only causes brain wear on the patient, but also on his family

Ana Martinez Gil

Definitely a phrase that invites reflection.

Eleven From now on his memories are for you 

Take care of them like tarnish gold, now it’s up to you that they last over time.

12Dementia eats the thoughts of the patient and in turn destroys the feelings of those who love and care for them 

Dr. Niles Acorn Tassel

We couldn’t agree more with this statement about Alzheimer’s. 

13Losing your memory can be terrifying, but also a moment of epiphany for many people.

Tom Shakespeare

Bad memories are also erased.

14If I live in your memory, I will not be alone

Mario Benedetti

If the person suffering from Alzheimer’s is accompanied, they will never lose hope.

Fifteen He asks for a hand to hold his, a heart to care for him, and a mind to think for him when he cannot: someone to protect him on his journey through the perilous twists and turns of the maze. 

Diana Fried

Ask a family member, a caregiver, a friend, a kind person to be by your side, to bring you light on this difficult path that you have had to travel.

16It hides things from me, it steals my smiles, and it takes away my joy. But who are those people who do not separate from me?

As much as his character changes, as much as his smile and his gaze become cold and distant, the others who love him will be by his side, lovingly supporting him in whatever has to come.

Phrases and quotes to commemorate World Alzheimer’s Day

The events that take place on World Alzheimer’s Day have the double objective of raising awareness in society about this disease, as well as highlighting its social and health consequences. For this reason, we share with you these phrases about Alzheimer’s disease, so that you too can echo them.

17I have no control over which yesterday I keep and which I forget. You can’t negotiate with this disease. I can’t choose between the names of the presidents of the United States and the names of my children. I can’t give up state capitals in exchange for keeping my husband’s memories

Always Alice (2007), Lisa Geneva

Books and manuals that talk about this disease can serve as a resource and also as a guide.

18The present, the here and now is what is going to be recorded in your empty memory 

He may not remember anything, but he thinks that now is what counts, nothing more.

19It is in your hand, you can do much more than you think

You have the option to chicken out or to extend your hand to those who need it most.

Twenty need the memories to survive

Isabel Allende

Some memories that are erased and leave the saddest void that exists.

Twenty-one there are incurable patients, but none incurable

Francesca Terrible

They all deserve our support and understanding! What do you think of this phrase ?

22Life is not what one lives but how one remembers it, and how one remembers it to tell it


Memories that are erased make us lose our voice.

23When everything is forgotten, the only thing left is love

Tamara Hernandez Bate

A true love that lasts in the eyes and also in the heart.

24You are not alone, by your side you have people to lean on, with whom to walk hand in hand on this arduous path. 

I will never leave you!

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