Phrases from La Rosa de Guadalupe: humorous and endearing quotes from the series

There is no Mexican who has not seen La Rosa de Guadalupe at least once. Each episode of the series, which millions of Mexicans watch every day, tells different stories that could be the situation of anyone who experiences a miracle from the Virgin of Guadalupe, the revered patron saint of the country.

Children, young people and adults gather every afternoon in front of the television into enjoy this program that usually tells endearing stories of self-improvement. Her phrases of her have become famous, either because she has touched the hearts of the Mexicans who see her, or because she sometimes makes many laugh.  We have wanted to compile all the phrases from La Rosa de Guadalupe with the most endearing and humorous quotes from the series. Don’t miss it!

The most endearing phrases of the Rose of Guadalupe

We start with those phrases that I remember, the phrases of the Rose of Guadalupe that teach beautiful lessons and more than one tear escapes at the moment they are said.

1 There is no more beautiful smile than the one that makes its way in the midst of tears. Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have decided to see beyond the imperfections

TO phrase, right? Because sometimes we are always looking for perfection and we think that this is happiness, but nothing is further from reality.

2Take risks, overcome your fears, peace of mind will not come if you spend your life avoiding. Learn to value what you have, before time teaches you to value what you had

Because life must be faced head on, without fear. A valuable lesson from the Rose of Guadalupe.

3They say that when there is true love, it is forgiven, but forgiving implies more things. A mistake is apologized and forgotten, but when offering a pardon, it has to be done without hate and make a good duel to the grudge

A nice phrase about forgiveness and what it means to forgive someone you love.

4There is no silence that God does not understand, nor sadness that he does not know. There is no love that he ignores, nor tears that he does not value, because he will always be with you. He walks in confidence even if you don’t know the end

Very funny phrases of the Rose of Guadalupe

Although the television program has inspiring phrases, we cannot deny that there are others that always make you smile when you see it. And it is that many times, the way of expressing the characters has given rise to memes and jokes on social networks. Let’s remember some!

5Hey, you’re going to get bumps from so many times you’ve been hit

A colloquial and funny way of saying that you have been ignored too many times. In Spain it would be like saying that you have been given too many pumpkins.

6Nothing is transferred from my notebook to my brain

It is clear that knowledge is not transferred by magic, but we already understand each other, it is a manner of speaking…

7Let’s take a sulfide, so that we can teach that stupid Norma what it is to be popular

In a chapter about adolescents, a girl said this phrase to another.

8You beat me a good…

In other words, the way of saying that “I like you” in the Rosa de Guadalupe.

9He has a body…

An expression of the series that became very popular among the adolescent population.

10Calories are bad, and if food has calories, then it’s bad too!

In a chapter on eating problems among the adolescent population, this phrase was said, which gave rise to several memes.

Elevens my cyber boyfriend is papichulo

12My little brunette, please make him notice me

This is the phrase of a teenager asking the Virgin of Guadalupe for the girl or boy he likes to notice him or her.

13Mom what beats me in life are video games, I don’t know why you make such a scandal. I spend it at home, she annoys you; if I passed it on the street, and it would bother you. The thing is, moms never like anything.

A typical sentence of a teenager, right? Well, it’s from the Rosa de Guadalupe, in an episode where a teenager tries to turn around his mother who scolds him for playing too many video games.

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