Phrases from rap songs: symbolic and very poetic lyrics to think about

Rap is a musical style in which rhyme is mixed with slang. This is how each rapper and rapper can give free rein to her imagination and creates the most impressive lyrics Do you also declare yourself a fan of this catchy music? Then you will not want to miss the selection with the 45 best rap song phrasessymbolic and very poetic lyrics that will make you think (and also smile). Look!

The best phrases of rap songs of all time

If we start talking about the history of rap, we have to say that it emerged, along with hip hop, back in the 1960s in the United States, specifically in neighborhoods of large cities such as the Bronx. It is precisely at that moment that it begins to define itself as a kind of sung poetry in which the content is given a rhythm and an intonation.

Its first representatives were MC Hummer, Grandmaster Flash or RUN DMC Without forgetting, of course, great idols like 2Pac or Notorious Big. And if we get to today we have to talk about rappers like Eminem or Snoop Dog. But let’s stop beating around the bush and get to what interests us. Here you have the best selection of rap song lyrics of all time. I’m sure that after reading them all, even you dare to bookmark yourself. Some verses

1It is better to regret every screw up than to do nothing in your whole life for fear of screwing up

Nerviozzo (Duo Kiel). This verse explains that making mistakes we all make mistakes but that the real mistake does not want to try anything for fear of failing.

2Your children do not go to class because they listen to rap, there is no reason to worry, your children listen to rap because they have class

Nacho is always full of claims to society like this.

3It seems not but the pretty ones also fart, even the smart ones add with our fingers

Double V. Well yes, it will be that all of us are more equal than we insist on showing.

4Don’t say good morning to me, okay? Give me your best nights

Xhelazz. Rap, in addition to being vindictive, is quite a declaration of intent.

5Wars come and go… but my soldiers are eternal

2Pac’s lyrics give a lot to think about, don’t you think?

6Eyes that do not see, heart feels twice

The phrases of Harland en Plata come to break those that we had engraved in our minds and that in truth are not so true.

7Blind to myself, yes, to my egocentrism, but I feel a powerful magnetism for rhythm…

Kazoo. This is one of his catchiest lyrics from him.

8God gave you shoes in your size, so put them on and wear them

Rapper Eminem’s phrase like this: ‘be yourself and feel proud for being like that. And as corny as it sounds, never let them say you’re not beautiful.’

9Career people serving burgers? A very decent job, yes, but it does not compensate

Sophia brings to the table what is on the minds of many people.

10The approach the music industry took to fighting piracy is the wrong strategy

  1. C. Hammer. Perhaps artists should be asked what solution they see to piracy, don’t you think?

Eleven felt young but one day I woke up, the first time a child on the street told me about you, I stopped for a second and thought: no matter how old I am, I’m not going to grow old

Do you also identify with Zeta’s phrase?

12I don’t respect anyone who thinks they’re my boss.

Iscariot, leader of the Malaga group Harland en Plata, makes things very clear; let’s see who dares to oppose him…

13Critize my life when yours be an example

Duke. We must do the exercise of looking at ourselves before talking about others.

14I go out into the street and leave my prejudices at home, I have jumped so many times that I know the precipice

Zeta (SFDK) talks about the importance of ending prejudice once and for all with.

Fifteen No human being can be illegal, what is illegal is that a human being does not have dignity

Shoo Hay explains in his verses the injustices that are often committed against people who come from another country.

Famous Rappers Lyrics That Will Make You Think

Rap, as you well know, in addition to rhythm and intonation, has deep that are sometimes constructive criticism, other times, they are simply a somewhat different way of seeing the world.

16No sir, the problem is not immigration it is education, being different is not being inferior

The chain. As you can see, there are several artists who speak about immigration in their songs.

17I live in a world where freedom has a price, make sure that your words are better than silence

Flowklorikos. If you speak, let it be to say something with sense.

18It’s okay to be normal, when you’ve decided to be normal, now is it okay to be normal when you dreamed of being special?

The chain. Y To? Have you decided to be normal or special?

19Life teaches you what is important, what seemed like a problem yesterday to you today are gigantic nonsense

Shots. Giving the correct approach to life’s problems is essential to be able to solve them.

Twenty Small joys are neither rented nor sold, something that the vast majority do not understand

The rapper Ray den always gives us phrases.

Twenty one After all, how much is left? Time is ridiculous, relative, turncoat

La Mala Rodríguez’s sentence ends with these questions: ‘What do we measure? What do we leave on the sidewalk?’

22Smoking marijuana does not make you a bad person. Not doing it does not make you good

Well yes, it will be that Wiz Halifax is absolutely right.

23I am the voice of the neighborhood, suburban glamor, I skip schedules and smoke until my lip burns

Zeta, leader of SFDK, gives us lyrics to think about and also to.

24I told him: Ride, I’ll take you to the sun, he told me: What nonsense, you’ll burn! I told him I wasn’t going to go during the day and he laughed…

The Phomega. Let each one give her the meaning that she likes the most.

25For me, the seventies were very inspiring and very influential… As Snoop Dog, as a person and as a rapper

Californian rapper Snoop Dog’s nostalgic phrase ends like this: ‘I love the 70s style, the way all the [basketball] players dressed, you know, combing their hair with great care, driving sports cars…’

26Hours go by, eras, fashions, life goes by and you don’t finish it all

Arianna Pueblo continues: ‘illusions pass and dreams are forgotten, the truth passes to give way to lies.’

27I adjust to life, but life is not fair, who I like does not like me and who loves me I do not like

Juaninacka. How many times has this happened to us of liking someone we don’t like and vice versa!

28I will die like everyone but I will live like only a few because I refuse to be just another

Chopin. Being one more, no, in no way, you always have to try to be someone special.

29I didn’t get far by being nice

Mucho Muchacho makes it clear that in life, to get high, you have to fight.

30The sound of the 90s, for me, is a combination of the soul and the street: it is a feeling

New Yorker Naps is also nostalgic for the 90s.

31Life is expensive, I trust that you pay it off, I’m talking about being happy, eh!? Don’t let anyone or anything drive you crazy

The Look. Being happy, that’s all that matters, right?

Rap phrases to not stop singing

We close the compilation of rap song phrases with this list; do not lose detail that surely more than one of these letters accompanies you until the next day. By the way, the last ones are rap phrases of love.

32There are so few years and so many memories, so many steps to a heaven that is in your eyes

Dolce Rota’s phrase continues like this: ‘the world is broken crying in every cloud, verses dedicated to a heart that I never had.

33Without fear, with nothing to lose, we were not born to resist, we were born to win.

Neoga (The Boys of the Corn). We came into this world to give the best of ourselves.

3. 4I live the golden age bro, longing for the turkey

Junco Marquees (Soprano Suite). Well, it will be that the age of the turkey is not as bad as we have been led to believe.

35Life is simple, you receive what you have given and to be happy you just have to forget the past

Kasey. O. Put aside the past and live-in order to be happy at all times.

36Sometimes it’s better to shut your mouth and look like an idiot than to open your mouth and show that you are.

The chain. To speak for the sake of speaking, no. Better to think and say things with sense.

37If there is so much food, why are there babies crying and why, if we are so many, many people are still alone

What do you think of the phrase of the rapper Nacho?

38My style is to walk as if nothing happened, knowing that an oversight will make me synonymous with oblivion.

Zeta and his wonderful lyrics.

39Love is just a word but you are the definition

Eminem is tough but deep down we know he’s quite a romantic.

40Yourself, so transparent and so full of enigmas

Phrase ends like this: ‘No need for frenzy, or fur coats. I like you so much, so like that, just the way you are.’ Yes, in rap there is also a place for true love.

41The other night I saw you in my dreams, now I want to go to sleep

Kane West. What a beautiful phrase!

42I see my other half when I look into your eyes

Gift of Gab. Speechless!

43 I want you to know that when you’re around I can’t talk

Childish Gambino sure knows how to write romantic lines.

44I thought I was dreaming when you told me you loved me.

Frank Ocean. Love, not even the most rebellious of rappers can avoid writing about it.

Four. Five can’t tell you what it is, I can only tell you how it feels

Eminem. Of course he talks about love, it couldn’t be anything else.

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