Phrases of support for Awareness Day for the Intersex Community

The society in which we grow up, educate ourselves and develop as people is based on gender duality. That is, all aspects of our lives are divided into two aspects, the masculine and the feminine. From the moment a person is born, they are classified in one of the two existing ones and their whole life revolves around that decision, from the clothes they wear to the behavior they should have regarding her gender.

There are people who, at the time of their birth or later, present in their anatomy, superficially or internally, traits that are characteristic, by imposition, of each of the genders. In other words, in your body you can see organs or other biological features of both genders, both male and female. These people are known as intersex, which are represented by the I within the LGBTIQ+ acronym.

From the moment this situation is noticed, they are branded as monsters or sick, and they are subjected to interventions and treatments to solve it. However, some of them are not subjected to any type of operation or medical treatment, so they manage to develop without any type of complication. This reality has a great stigmatization that tarnishes their lives and gives them an identity that is far from reality.

Do you want to know how to show your support for intersex? Do you want to contribute to their fight for visibility and the conquest of their rights? You are in the right place. we propose some phrases of support for Awareness Day for the Intersex Community. Pay attention that we started!

9 phrases with which to show your support for the intersex reality

1Intersex people are not sick or monsters, your hate does make you look like it

The only disease that plagues the world and devastates it with each of its actions is hate. We must fight against intolerance, discrimination and violence against those people who do not conform to the imposed social canons and fight for the individual freedom of each person to decide on their body. Eliminate the stigmas, myths around intersex people and stop treating them as sick people or with medical conditions, they are just people who want to live according to their corporeality without anyone telling them what to do.

2Intersex people are not an anomaly of nature, your intolerance is

Many people consider that inter people are the result of a malformation or some disorder during pregnancy, but the reality is that they are not. We must let these people be the ones who decide to do with their body what they want and when they want it. The only anomaly that exists in nature is the one that arises from rejection Absolute ignorance towards those who are different or do not conform to what is dictated by a binary and limiting society. Keep in mind that nature is wise and just as her particular way of deconstructing the gender binary is to create intersex people.

3Don’t let their ignorance stifle and invalidate your gender or who you really are.

Each person is a world and unique, so do not make your hated, your ignorance or your bad thoughts and actions limit the freedom of others. It allows each person to express themselves or identify themselves as they feel without taking into account their gender, their genitalia or their corporeality. Before starting to discriminate against others, reflect on your knowledge, solve all the doubts you have and do not commit homophobic.

4Your corporeality does not define who you are, it is your way of being and behaving that defines you

The body is the vehicle of the soul, so what really matters is who you really are and not the container of your essence. It measures the human quality and worth of each person by how he is and by his actions, not by his body or his physical appearance, and launches messages to fight against discrimination.

5No one should be rejected by their body, but by their hate

Is it clear to you? The body is not the fundamental element to determine whether or not a person deserves to be appreciated or respected. However, it is a moral obligation to reject those who are not capable of respecting others, and respond with violence and discrimination. Remember; never judge anyone from the outside, focus on discovering the interior and the essence of each person. Do not force anyone to manage that he experiences for something that he has not chosen.

6Freedom must be exercised from the moment of birth, not from the moment in which others choose for you

Freedom is the fundamental right that all people have by virtue of being human beings. Each one exercises it and enjoys it as they want and as they feel at all times, why do you insist on limiting it? Intersex is not a problem to which a solution must be found, but a way in which a body expresses itself freely without any prejudice and without being shaped by gender roles. Do not fall for stereotypes or ideas that cover up a clear homophobic.

7Let’s fight for a world among equals and that no gender trait influences it

Equality is a universal right and no one should take it away. All the people that make up society, regardless of any aspect, are equal and all should be treated in the same way. Fight for a fair world for everyone, and act and inequality that distance us from what is essentially vital.

8Being intersex is not belonging to a third gender, it is conforming to your own identity

The existence of a third gender does not respond to intersex. This, by itself, is formed as an individual gender identity for each of the people belonging to this reality. To affirm that they are a third gender or that all inter people are equal is to fall into error. In the same way that it happens in other aspects, each intersex is different and no two are the same. Defends freedom, diversity and body plurality that are included in the.

9The change that must take place is in society, not in the bodies

The change should not be exerted on the body of people whose anatomical features do not correspond to the normative ones, but rather on the society that takes this consideration as a universal truth. There is still a long way to go to deconstruct the collective mind, fight to achieve it and eliminate from your mind any prejudiced and stigmatizing ideas for these people. Raise your voice with power messages of LGBT+ people.

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