Phrases to congratulate Christmas and New Year to your loved ones

Before choosing any of the you can hear or see in the video, you must be more than clear about some essential points. The first thing is to know who you are going to send the phrase to because, as you already know, it is not the same to send it to your great love than to your best friend. These are the people you could send it to:

  • To your partner: whether you have been with him/her for many Christmases or if this is the first, your partner will appreciate that you remember him/her and take a moment to send him/hear. Take the opportunity to express your feelings about her in her about her and to wish her about her great happiness with love, affection and all the love you have. She will love it!
  • To your friends: your best cannot be less, and we are sure that with one of these phrases you will provoke many smiles. Keep in mind those who are not close to you because they live in another city or because you won’t be able to see them right on these dates. Remind them how much they mean to you and show off your good mood with a fun message.
  • To your relatives: the family is made up of those people who love us for the simple fact of having the same blood. You may not get along with everyone as you would like, but surely all of them will appreciate that you invest a little of your time in wishing them the best of Christmas. Take note of a phrase and make their illusions come true!
  • To your co-workers: You spend most of your time with your That’s why it doesn’t hurt that you have a little while for them, choose a phrase that represents you and send it to them. And if you also send it to your boss? It will be a detail that surely will not be expected.
  • To the people with whom you do not have much relationship: we are sure that in your social network profiles or on your mobile phone you have a few contacts with which you do not have much relationship. Every year you receive a message from them, and this time you want to respond well. Choose one of these phrases, and you will have your ideal answer.

How to send the Christmas or New Year phrase to your loved ones

Once you know the phrase that you are going to send and the person to whom you are going to give your words, it is necessary to know how you can send it to them. Surely it only occurs to you to send it through What Sapp, but what if we told you that you have many more ways? Pay attention to what we propose!

  • Via mobile phone

Of course our first option to send a Christmas phrase is through the, as we said before. The immediacy that technology provides makes it the perfect ally, especially if you are going to send it to a person who lives far from home or because you prefer to do everything faster. Be that as it may, the mobile will help you send that congratulatory message to the person you love in the easiest way possible.

  • By letter

But not only is the mobile phone the best option. Another one that we propose is through written in your own handwriting. You can also send a postcard, a card or a beautiful Christmas that you can buy in any store, or even do it with your own hands! We are sure that the person who receives it will never forget the detail you have had with her.

  • Somewhere in the house

It may be the case that you want to send a Christmas phrase to someone who lives with you, like your parents or your roommates. In this case you can write the phrase on a post-it and stick it somewhere in the house. You can also write it on a mirror if you live with your partner and want to give him a surprise that is as romantic as it is beautiful. You decide how to do it!

  • With a Christmas present

Christmas, in addition to being synonymous with celebration, is also synonymous with. It is a time when the exchange of gifts is most common, and not only with the smallest of the house but also with the oldest. Gifts for your partner, for your father, for your best friend… All these people will be able to receive, in addition to their gift, a phrase written by yourself in which you capture all your emotions.

  • By email

If it is a person from your work environment, such as a co-worker, we can think of a very original way to send your Christmas phrase. If it is a job that requires opening email daily, you can create a creative congratulation with your phrase and send it through this channel. What do you think of this idea? Do you dare to carry it out?

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