Phrases to reflect on life: words that will make you think

There are moments in life when we have to ask ourselves certain questions in order to continue living in peace. Some of them range from the typical ‘where am I going’ or ‘who am I’ to thinking about whether you are truly happy or whether what surrounds you is going to take you where you really want to be.

All these premises serve to reflect on both life and happiness, something that everyone should do at some point. But, if you don’t even know where to start, we’ll give you a hand with some phrases and words that will make you think as well as some advice so that you have a moment of reflection in your day to day. What will be your favorite phrase? Let’s start!

Other phrases to reflect on life and happiness

In addition to the you can see in the video that we have shared for you, we have many others just as valid that we are sure you will love. You can also share them with your loved ones or on your social networks, you just have to choose your favorite, and you will have your perfect phrase!

  • They say that luck arises proportionally to your sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you’ll get (Ray Kroc).
  • When life gives you reasons to cry, show it that you have a thousand and one reasons to.
  • We are what we repeatedly do (Aristotle).
  • Knowing others are intelligence, knowing you is wisdom. Managing others is strength; managing oneself is true power (Tao the Chin).
  • The occasion must be created, not wait for it to arrive (Francis Bacon).
  • What you do for yourself vanishes when you die. What you do for the rest makes up your legacy.
  • A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work (John Lubbock).
  • Apologizing is smart. Forgiveness is wise.
  • If you do not remember the slightest madness into which love made you fall, you have not loved (William Shakespeare).
  • Do not judge a person by their answers, but by their questions (Voltaire).
  • Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. You will never reach success by the elevator, but by using the stairs (Joe Girard).
  • He who has patience will get what he wants (Benjamin Franklin).
  • If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
  • Life is a kind of bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, pedal forward (Albert Einstein).
  • Knowing that you don’t know, that’s humility. To think that one knows what one does not know, that is disease (Lao-tse).
  • We are what we think. We become our(Buddha).
  • Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever (James Dean).
  • Turn your hobby into your job and you will never work again in life (Confucius).
  • It’s not that I’ve failed, I’ve just stumbled upon 5,000 wrong paths (Thomas Edison).
  • If I had followed the established rules, I would have come to nothing (Marilyn Monroe)
  • We feel addicted to our thoughts. We won’t change anything if we don’t change our own thoughts. (Santos Kalmar)

Tips for learning to reflect, think or meditate

Now that we know some phrases that may make us think, it’s time to get down working to reflect. How can we do it? There are many ways, but here we are going to leave you some tips that may be of great help to you. Take note!

  • Find a quiet place

The first and main thing to achieve a good reflection is to find. You can reflect in an area of ​​your house where you feel comfortable, or even in front of the sea or in a landscape that you love. The main thing is that you are alone, without any responsibility to do afterwards and without pressure of any kind. Sit down, take a deep breath and everything else will follow.

  • Take your time

As we said, the ideal way to reflect is that you have nothing to do during the time after your reflections. That is to say, do not start to reflect just before going to pick up your children, nor before going to work, because you will be more aware of the time than anything else. Take the time you need to think about your own life and organize your thoughts a bit.

  • Do not focus on things that are not worth it

Many times, when we start to reflect, we focus on things of our day that, in the end, are unimportant. It is not about thinking about the reasons that led you to miss the bus that morning, but about thinking about your life, whether you are where you want to be, whether you need to change something or everything you think you can do to improve.

  • Analyze your goals

Once you have focused and concentrated on what you really want to think about, it is time to analyze your goals life goals. Put on some that are easy to do, such as reflect or meditate for an hour a day, and others that are more long-term, such as leaving your current job for another that makes you happier. When you achieve those goals, you will get a lot of happiness.

  • Help yourself with relaxation techniques

There are times when it is practically impossible for us to reflect or meditate. We have too many things on our minds, too many concerns that prevent us from thinking about anything else. For a bit! Help yourself with some relaxation that can help you be at peace with yourself and with your life. From that relaxation, he begins to think.

  • Reflect on everything around you

Are you really in your life’s work? Is that partner you have the one you think will be with you forever? Who are your friends? What value do you give to your family? Reflect on the most important aspects of your life, such as your partner, your family or your friends, even on your work. You will realize that sometimes we settle instead of being brave and walking in another direction.

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