Prayers for 2023: prayers of hope, love and faith in the New Year

Soothe will begin, a year full of hope and illusion. We will leave behind all those difficult moments of the year, as well as the experiences and teachings that have made us vibrate, laugh, get excited and enjoy life. The end of a year always makes us reflect on the past, be thankful for everything we have and look to the future with enthusiasm. Therefore, praying at the end of the year is a way to help us become aware of what has come and what is to come.

It does not matter what religion you are or even if you adhere to any religion, if you are a spiritual person try to say a prayer at the end of the year. It is an act of gratitude, love, faith and hope, and fills the heart with peace and tranquility for what is to come.

We have compiled some prayers for 2023, from different beliefs so that you can choose the one that best suits your way of feeling spirituality. I we wish you the best this New Year and that you start with a lot of faith and enthusiasm. Happy New Year!

Prayer to thank God for the year 2022

The end of the year is a moment of reflection and gratitude for everything we have gone through. During, both the good things, which are important to value and which have brought us happiness, and the bad ones, which offer us life lessons and they help us see life with different eyes. It is also a time to thank God for what is to come, showing trust and love, two fundamental qualities for happiness.

God full of love,

We thank you for this past year

With its positive moments and it’s most difficult moments.

We thank you for the love we have received from family and friends

And for the successes we’ve had at work and at home.

We also thank you for the difficult times.

The moments in which we fight;

The moments of challenge; the moments of uncertainty;

The moments when we have been afraid

For our safety and that of our loved ones;

The moments when we lost our loved ones.

As we wait for next year,

We ask your grace and blessing.

Give us health and strength;

Give us faith and hope.

Send us Your Spirit.

Give us peace with the decisions we make.

Grant us joy as we look forward and discern the future.

Above all, give us the love that will guide us

Through any challenge we meet.

Help us to walk side by side with patience and forgiveness,

Placing our hands in the hands of Your Son Jesus.

He guides us and strengthens us.

He is always by our side.

It gives us hope.

It helps us to see, beyond the small “now”,

A bigger picture and a bigger dream.

The dream imagined for us by you, our Father.

You who live and love

Forever and always. Amen.

Prayer to ask for abundance next year 2023

The concept of abundance for any believer goes far beyond economics. Abundance means happiness, peace of mind, forgiveness, solidarity and understanding. It is love in its purest form and it is essential for our New Year to be filled with hope, gratitude and happiness. Therefore, this prayer can be a great guide to pray at the end of the year, task to guide our steps to choose a path of abundance next year.

At the beginning of thank you for everything I have received from you, Lord.

First of all, I am grateful for my family, for life, for my health, for the affection and love that I receive, for the days of light, for my friends, for my work, for everything you give me at every moment.

Eternal God, beginning of every creature; grant us that in this year that we are opening, we can enjoy peace, happiness and justice, that we abound in earthly goods and be the light of the world for the perfection of our works.

We ask you, Lord, to bless and protect us, to help and care for us every day, every moment, and grant us to walk on good paths, full of peace, happiness and justice throughout the year that is beginning.

May we be happy, Lord, in this universe of ours: he gives us life, sustains and rules?

May we be happy, Lord, with forgiveness and charity?

You the most powerful to banish hatred and bitterness,
you the most perfect to teach us to live in love and harmony
you the kindest to establish peace between us.

May we be happy, Lord, with your word:
without it there is no humanity, no solidarity, and no equality?

May we be happy, Lord, with love:
it is the only light necessary to illuminate days and nights,
to fill our homes with affection and joy,
to fill what surrounds us with joy and understanding?

May we be happy, Lord,
in this New Year?

You who are present among us
because you are blessed Love,
surround us with your Spirit,
give us your blessings, beloved Father,
and grant us that our dreams come true,
provide us with your infinite charity and mercy
what we long for and long for:

Give us, Just and Good Father,
what we need to improve our lives,
so that misfortune and poverty leave us
and we can achieve happiness.

Buddhist prayers for the New Year 2023

Buddhist prayers offer another way to experience spirituality. The collections here can be used for a meditation to say goodbye to the year and enter a new one with different eyes, those of goodness, freedom and inner peace. Asking for the freedom, happiness and freedom from attachment of all beings is a way to open your heart to the world, a world in which we are interconnected and in which the happiness of others supposes our own. As you can see in the prayers, Buddhists usually make an offering in which they ask the gods for blessings to free themselves from everything that does not bring them happiness.


I and all sentient beings take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and

The Shanghai until we reach enlightenment.

Bodhisattva generation

That for the merits that accumulate

With the practice of generosity and other perfections,

Attain Buddhahood

In order to benefit all sentient beings.

Generation of the four immeasurable desires

May all beings be happy?

May all beings be freed from suffering?

Let no one be deprived of his happiness,

May all beings achieve equanimity, free from hated and attachment.

Merit Field Display

Like the full moon is surrounded by stars,

Before me in space stands Buddha Shakyamuni

Surrounded by all the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas.

Prayer of the seven branches

I respectfully prostrate myself with body, speech and mind,

I present you material and imagined offerings,

I confess my bad deeds of the past,

And I rejoice in the virtues of the Superior and ordinary Beings.

Please stay with us until the end of samsara,

And turn the Wheel of Dharma to the migrating beings.

I dedicate all the virtues for great enlightenment.

Mandala offering

I offer you this base with flowers and anointed with incense,

With Mount Mere, the four continents, the sun and the moon,

Perceived as a pure land of the Buddha.

May all beings enjoy a pure land?

Please accept the objects of my attachment, hated and ignorance,

My friend, enemy and stranger, as well as my body and possessions,

That without feeling of loss I offer you.

And bless me to be free from the three mental poisons.


+Buddhist prayer of the stages of the path

This Buddhist prayer is also a good way today. It is the Prayer of the Stages of the path and it is an attitude guide towards life that can guide the steps that we will decide to take the coming year. In turn, it is a request for the gods to bless us so that we can make the right decisions, decisions of kindness and detachment, of peace and forgiveness.

Bless me to understand

Than generating sincere faith in the kind spiritual master,

Source of all virtue, is the root of the path.

And so always follow him with great devotion.

Bless me to understand

That this excellent human rebirth endowed with freedom

It is very valuable and difficult to obtain.

And so I dedicated the day and night to extract its essence.

My body is fragile like a bubble in the water

Quickly decays and is destroyed.

And just as the shadow always follows the body,

The result of my actions will continue to death.

With this understanding firm in memory

Bless me so that, with extreme caution,

Always avoid the slightest wrongdoing

And accumulate virtue in abundance.

The pleasures of samsara are illusory,

They do not produce satisfaction but torment.

Therefore, bless me so that I only strive

In achieving the sublime joy of liberation.

Bless me so that, with great care and attention,

Induced by this pure thought,

Keep the pratimoksha, the root of the doctrine,

As my essential practice.

Like me, all motherly beings

They are sunk in the ocean of samsara,

Bless me to train in bodhisattva

And may soon liberate all beings.

But if I just cultivate this mind

Without applying myself in the three moralities,

I will not reach enlightenment.

Therefore bless me to keep the Bodhisattva vows.

Pacifying my distractions

And investigating the real meaning,

Bless me to achieve union

Of peaceful permanence and superior vision.

Bless me so that, through the common path,

I become a pure vessel

And enter the path of lucky beings,

The vajrayana, the supreme path.

The two realizations depend

Of my sacred vows and promises.

Bless me so that I understand clearly,

And always keep them even if my life is in danger.

Carrying out the four sessions daily

As indicated by the sacred teachers,

Bless me so that I will soon reach

The two stages of the path of tantric.

That the Guides that shows me the right path

And the friendships that help me have a long life,

And bless me to pacify completely

All obstacles, external and internal.

May you always find perfect teachers?

And enjoy the holy Dharma,

And that performing the stages of the path

Soon attain the state of Vajradhara.

Prayer to say goodbye to the year 2022 and welcome 2023

  • A prayer full of wisdom in which, on the one hand, we say goodbye to the year and ask for forgiveness for our mistakes and, on the other, ask God to guide us on our way so that we can live the next year with joy and a heart full of love and hope.. It is a beautiful prayer to say a few minutes before the end of the year, to enter the with full awareness and with God present.
  • Lord God, owner of time and eternity, yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future. At the end of this year we want to thank you for everything we receive from you.
  • Thank you for life and love, for the flowers, the air and the sun, for joy and pain, for how much was possible and for what could not be. We offer you what we did this year, the work we were able to do, the things that passed through our hands and what we were able to build with them.
  • We introduce you to the people we loved throughout these months, the and the old ones we met, those closest to us and those who are further away, those who gave us their hand and those we were able to help, with those of us who share life, work, pain and joy.
  • But also, Lord, today we want to ask your forgiveness, forgiveness for the wasted time, for the badly spent money, for the useless word and wasted love.
  • All: Sorry for the empty works and for the job poorly done, and sorry for living without enthusiasm. Also for the prayer that little by little was postponed and that until now I come to present to you. For all the forgetfulness, carelessness and silence, again I apologize.
  • A few minutes before starting a new year, I stop my life before the new calendar, still unreleased, and I present to you these days that only you know if I will live them.
  • Today I ask you for peace and joy, strength and prudence, clarity and wisdom for me and mine. I want to live each day with optimism and goodness, carrying a heart full of understanding and peace everywhere.
  • Close my ears to all falsehood and my lips to lying, selfish, scathing or hurtful words. Instead open my being to all that is good, may my spirit be filled only with blessings and spill them on my path. Amen

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