Revealing phrases about bisexuality that will make you understand its reality

We have been raised and educated in a society built on duality and binaries, without giving rise to third readings or other ways of conceiving any aspect of everyday life. In other words, everything is shaped so that human beings choose, whatever the choice, between one option or another.

This binary vision acts as a differentiating element for those who do not conform to the canons and impositions established by a few for the rest. One of the aspects in which the dichotomous mechanism makes a greater differentiation between people in relation to orientation, expression and/or gender identity.

The community is doomed, due to the social imperative, to be discriminated against, differentiated and pointed out as disruptors of social stability. Within the community, each and every one of its members is affected by a series of stigmas and prejudices that violate their basic rights and freedoms.

Bisexuality has a great stigmatizing burden that makes it invisible and makes people who identify with it subject to a social imaginary that is very distant from reality. we want to break with the discrimination to which these people are subjected and offer some revealing phrases about bisexuality that will make you understand their reality, let’s start!

13 revealing messages to reflect on bisexuality

1In life, not everything has to be black or white; there is a great chromatic variety between the two.

From the moment a person is born, they are forced to choose between two valid options for the rest, since the third options or the great variety of them are hidden. Do not allow social limitations to prevent you from being who you are, fight for it and discover the great diversity of possibilities that exist between one side and the other. Find the shade that fits your reality and wear it with complete confidence and empowerment.

2Bisexuality is neither a stage nor a phase, it is a way of not limiting your feelings

Enough of saying that bisexuality is a stage or a phase of life! No one questions heterosexuality or calls it temporary. Stop questioning a person’s orientation out of fear, ignorance or ignorance. The feeling is the same and the only difference is that these people do not limit their love to a person by belonging to one or another gender. Don’t let anyone question your orientation!

3Confusion is only part of those who do not understand that there can be other ways of expressing love and feelings

Why do you reject the feelings of another person for not conforming to the affective normativity? We must learn to let others be free and not define their life as a wrong choice. Love is not born from confusion or indecision, it arises from the depths of each person and the recipient does not influence the validity of her feelings of her. In fact, this idea has positioned itself as the affects the members of the big B.

4Bisexuality is not a choice or a decision, it is a fact

Being bisexual does not respond to a personal or intentional choice, it is the expression of the interior of each one and one. In the same way that the veracity of non-normative orientations is questioned, heterosexuality can be questioned, don’t you think? Stop limiting people with your ignorance and tear down those misconceptions that you have believed all your life.

5No one stops being who they are because of the person next to them

A heterosexual person is not defined by the person with whom they share their life, why bisexuals? Each one is with whom they want to be with and this does not alter their orientation. That is, can be with a person of a different gender and her orientation will remain the same; she will not become heterosexual overnight. Eliminate your prejudices and do not assume anything.

6It would be ideal if we were all capable of loving a person for the mere fact of being, not based on their imposed gender.

We should all learn to love people on the inside and not on the outside.

7Don’t let them use your condition against you, be stronger than that.

The strength does not reside in the power to harm the other, but in the resistance you have when facing attacks and the courage to overcome them. Do not use anyone’s status to insult or disrespect, it will only offer an image of you and say who you really are. Don’t use a person’s feelings against them.

8People who use your life to harm you are attacking them.

Have you made it clear? A person who uses any aspect of your life toys only doing it to himself.

9Don’t hide the real you for fear of rejection

Pretending that everyone understands your reality is a losing battle from the beginning. Therefore, do not hesitate to be who you are and remove from your life people who or try to hurt you for it. Don’t be afraid and be free to love and express yourself however you want.

10Do not let hiding who you are destroying you, take the reins of your life and proclaim it

Hiding your true self will hurt you more than any feedback you receive from others. You only live once and you cannot fully enjoy life hiding behind the walls of your home. Go out on the street and feel of the person you are.

Eleven coming out as bisexual doesn’t make you weak or vulnerable, it empowers you

Reaffirming your orientation and showing it without fear of anything makes and will give you greater confidence in yourself. You are not weak for doing so, you are brave and strong to fight against a society that does not understand your condition and will try to silence your voice. Give visibility to your reality and do not allow anyone to make you feel otherwise.

12Your orientation is not the subtitle of your life, it is part of it and gives it meaning

Being bisexual will accompany you all your life; do not allow the rest to use it as your last name. Enough of using a person’s orientation to present it! No one says this or this is my friend or friend and he is straight. Let’s stop perpetuating and use people’s characteristics, not their condition.

13They will always label and define you by your orientation, prove them wrong

Everyone will try to define you as the bisexual in their environment. Unfortunately, you will have to prove your worth and try to eliminate that label that has been imposed on you to define yourself. Ideally, no one would have to prove their worth because of the preconceived ideas of others.

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