Special dedications for Mother’s Day: congratulations, mom!

One of the most beautiful days of the year arrives. A day in which those women who deserve everything, those women who have given us life and have made us know the purest love that exists, take center stage. A day to honor mothers!

In truth, mothers should be filled with pampering, affection and attention 365 days a year, but it is not bad that there is a date marked on the calendar to remind us that a mother is everything and thank her properly. For this reason, we leave you these special dedications for Mother’s Day. Well, send them via or write them on a card accompanying a gift or, even better, tell them in person followed by a big kiss and hug. Congratulations, mom!

Mother’s Day: the most magical dedications and congratulations

Maybe you are not much of celebrating the ‘Days of…’ considering them a bit commercial, that’s fine, even so your mother deserves that from time to time you remind her how much you love her, don’t you think? Therefore, these dedications and congratulations for Mother’s Day that we propose below, you can use at any time of the year. Of course, it is important that the one you choose you really feel and you send it to your mommy from the depths of your heart.

  • To be a mother, you have to go through the pain that, according to what they say, is the greatest of all: that of childbirth. But to be a mother, you also have to experience the greatest feeling that exists: true. And that’s why I know that you are a MOM in capital letters, because your love is unmatched. Congratulations, mom!
  • To you who gave me everything without asking for anything in return, to you who dried my tears, to you who celebrated my joys, to you who are the fundamental pillar of my life… To you, mom, congratulations.
  • It is said that God created mothers because he could not be everywhere. And he was absolutely right! I created you, mom. To you who are omnipresent and almighty, who is always there when you are needed, to you who are my greatest superhero? Happy Mother’s Day!
  • They could give me the most expensive gift of all and none of them would match the greatest gift that gift is you, mom!
  • Thank you for your life lessons, thank you for your sincere words. I thank you even for those speeches and scolding that, although sometimes it is hard for me to listen, I recognize that they have built the person I am today. Thank you for being my example to follow! Congratulations mom!
  • Whoever treats a woman like a princess shows that he was educated by a queen. Happy day my dear mother!
  • Good moms have millions of toys lying on the floor, unwashed and ironed clothes, tables full of papers, messy kitchens, hands painted on the wall, shoes at the entrance and… Happy children! Happy
  • I thought that unconditional love was a myth… How delusional! Now I know that I can find it every day in you, mom. I adore you!
  • Mom is spelled with M for Wonderful Woman.
  • Every day, I thank God for having given me a mother like you: unique, understanding, and loving and, above all, unconditional. Happy mother’s day!
  • When everything gets difficult, I only have to trust in two pillars: my mother and faith.
  • I remember you and your hugs and words of encouragement are reborn, mom. I will always remember your love and. I love you! Congratulations

Congratulatory text to dedicate to your mother on her day

Hole Mama,

Today is a very special day for you; I know you love to celebrate Mother’s Day. It is also a very important day for me and the whole family. Thanks to the great effort that you have made and that you continue to do for us, we have managed to get ahead and, not only that; we have also managed to be very, very happy.

You have transmitted to us those values ​​​​that make someone a great person: generosity, kindness, empathy, love for others, autonomy, perseverance, effort, frankness, fidelity… I could spend all day listing them!! But in this congratulatory, I want to focus more on thanking you. Thank you for raising me in the best way you knew how. I swear that for me you are the best mother in the world!

I just want you to know that now it’s our turn to take care of you. We will fill you with all those pampering and attention that you have given us and we will strive every day to make you smile as only you know how to smile.

Congratulations, mom!

I love you.

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