Strong phrases from Angela Davis about racism, feminism and equality

Angela Davis, African-American activist, social researcher, philosopher, Marxist politician, and professor in the Department of the History of Consciousness at the University of California at Santa Cruz, United States, is undoubtedly one of the most important representatives of the fight against in the United States.

In the 1970s, after learning that she belonged to the communist party, she was fired as a professor at the University of California. Her figure de Ella became international when she was charged with murder and conspiracy, charges that were eventually dropped. After publishing her memoirs of her, she was re-admitted to the University of California. Angela Davis is considered one of the most important anti-racist feminist activists on the world scene. Her books about her, her talks and interviews about her have left a collection of powerful messages it is worth reading them to reflect a little on the racism that we still live today.

The best phrases of Angela Davis against racism

A tireless fighter for civil rights and to eradicate racial discrimination, Angela Davis has left us messages as powerful and powerful as these:

+ When black lives are finally recognized in the world as something that matters, that’s going to mean that all lives matter.

Because in the world a black life is still not valued the same as a white one, and the racist crimes that we constantly see demonstrate it.

+We cannot assume that racism is primarily a problem for those who suffer from it. Racism distorts and corrupts institutions and minds, creates an assumption of superiority, produces white privilege.

Angela Davis’s explanation of how racism operates in all areas of ours. Racism is everywhere, and not wanting to accept it and do something to change it is what perpetuates it.

+There are those who believe that the slogan Black Lives Matter has a particular connotation, but it could not be more universal. To simply say All Lives Matter is to ignore the extent to which Black and Colored lives are subjected to racism and repression. To say that Black Lives Matter, however, is to proclaim that indeed all lives matter.

Because it is important to make visible the oppressed, those who suffer from racism and discrimination.

+Why do we learn to fear terrorism but not racism, not sexism/machismo, not homophobia?

A wise reflection by Angela Davis that alludes to how we accept many forms of discrimination and repression in our day to day.

+Unfortunately Europeans are not exempt from the consequences of transatlantic slavery, and certainly not from the consequences of colonialism. France, for example, has established a Day of Remembrance of Slavery and the Slave Trade. It should be recognized that refugees from Africa follow the same routes of the slave trade. Indeed, Europe is now experiencing the results of a long history of slavery and colonization.

Racism is a consequence of colonialist, according to the thinker Angela Davis, and it continues to be reproduced in African migration to Europe.

Feminist and equality phrases by Angela Davis

Angela Davis is one of the greatest exponents of anti-racist feminism. For her de Ella, feminism is not only a movement to end the oppression of women, but also to eradicate other injustices such as racism, fascism and economic exploitation. These are her de Ella most iconic feminist

+ Rape was a weapon of domination and repression whose covert purpose was to stifle black women’s desire to resist and demoralize their men in the process.

Inhere; Angela Davis recounts stories of slaves in America reflecting on the appropriation of black women’s bodies.

+Feminism is the most powerful weapon to fight against racism and fascism.

Angela Davis considers feminism as the fundamental basis of the fight against racist oppression.

+Feminism is not only a strategy to overcome oppression based on gender, but also against racism, fascism, materialism or economic oppression.

For Angela Davis, feminist thinking can be the way to end the social inequality that exists in the world.

+During an important period in the women’s liberation movement, one of the main problems was the tendency to assume that middle-class white women were the most typical model of women and this excluded working-class, black women, Native Americans and Latinas.

Angela Davis was one of the first feminists to criticize white feminism from the United States and Europe.

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