What exactly is homophobia: powerful messages to end it?

In our dictionary we have already dealt with a wide variety of irrational fears: arachnophobia (fear of spiders), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), acrophobia (fear of heights) or belonephobia (fear of needles). However, we have never talked about a phobia that is unfortunately still very present in our society: homophobia, although more than phobia or fear, we could say that it is an extreme and irrational hated towards the LGBT community.

We want to talk about homophobia and condemn it. We leave you some powerful messages to end it. Share them so they reach a lot of people!

What is homophobia?

Homophobias the word used to designate rejection, fear, discrimination, persecution and hated towards homosexual men and women. This concept also includes the repudiation of other people within the broad sexual diversity, such as bisexuals and transsexuals.

The word homophobia was first used by the American psychologist George Weinberg in 1970 who defined it as “the fear of being uncomfortably close to homosexuals ” and, unfortunately, it is still a very common concept today. Various statistics indicate that every two days a homosexual person is the victim of homophobic discrimination throughout the world and, according to Amnesty International; more than seventy countries continue to target the LGBT community and eight countries even sentence them to death. In fact, Amnesty International recognizes discrimination against homosexuals as a violation of human rights.

We all deserve and equal, we all deserve to enjoy our sexuality as we want without having to be punished or marginalized for it. For this reason, hated must be eradicated as soon as possible in order to end homophobia as well.

Is homophobia a disease?

It is clear that phobias are considered, within the field of psychology, as mental disorders or illnesses. But, could we include homophobia within this classification? Is homophobia a disease? Is it really a phobia? No.

What motivates is the irrational fear of an object, situation or living being and homophobia is not motivated by fear, but by hate. In addition, people with a phobia tend to hide their disorder, they do not like to talk about it, while homophobes take pride in being homophobic and use their position to humiliate homosexuals or those whose sexual condition is not the same as theirs. Defend.

So why does homophobia develop? The origin of homophobia lies in social prejudice and cultural, political and religious influence. To eradicate it, therefore, an education is needed (from an early age) founded and based on values ​​​​such as tolerance, respect, empathy, kindness and generosity.

Messages against homophobia: say NO to hate

1If you don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry a gay man.

Whoopi Goldberg

2Gay marriage has not created problems for religious institutions; religious institutions have created problems for gay marriage

Dasani Stokes

3I am gay, I am lesbian, I, I am transsexual, I am heterosexual… I am a person


4His love doesn’t hurt, your hate does


5When we speak we are afraid that our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent we are still afraid. So it’s better to talk

Audrey Lorded

6Terror does not turn people from gay to straight. Terror kills innocent people

Dasani Stokes

7The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don’t realize they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified.

Wayne Gerard Trot man

8likebeing a woman, like being a racial ethnic tribal or religious minority, being LGBT doesn’t make you any less human.

Hillary Clinton

9I think the choice between men and women is like the choice between cake and ice cream. You’d be foolish not to try many, when there are so many different flavors


10We’re sick of hearing people say “that band is so gay” or “those guys are fagots”. “Gay” is not a synonym for “shit.” If you want to say that something is “shit”, say that it is shit. Stop being so idiots and homophobic

Pete Wentz

Eleven Heterosexuality is not normal, it’s just common

Dorothy Parker

12If the skin of all homosexuals turned purple overnight, society, surprised by the enormous number and diversity of people around them with that color, would stop seeing this as a problem.

Ian McClellan

13Whenever people behave as if images of gay people in the media could influence their children to be gay, I will remind them that gay children grew up watching only straight people on television.

Ellen DeGeneres

14I hate the word homophobia. It is not a phobia. You are not afraid, you are an idiot

Morgan Freeman

Fifteen being gay is natural. Hating gays is a life choice

John fugelsang

16Homophobia is just like racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people in order to deny their humanity, dignity, and personality.

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