Wise phrases from movie villains who are ALL right in the world

We see it in today’s cinema, but the truth is that this comes from ancient times, from the mythical world of heroes and gods. There we realized that for a hero to exist there must also be a villain. And lately we frequently hear the warning that neither the good guys are so good nor the bad guys are so bad. In fact, we can often learn much more from the bad guys in history. These are some wise phrases from villains who are very right. Because the bad guys count too.

The best phrases of the villains of the big screen

Wherever you find a villain, you will find an important learning. Beyond the feats of the good guying or the hard-working hero on duty, we can take advantage of all the reflections that the most evil in cinema have made.

1Before you judge, make sure you’re perfect


Batman’s counterpoint is one of the villains with the most charisma to the point of acquiring his own identity outside of this duality between good and bad. His is this phrase that we can apply in our day to day because judging others is becoming a general trend. And the truth is that no one is perfect.

2Greatness inspires envy, envy breeds rancor, and rancor breeds lies.

Lord Voldemort

We dare to mention the one who should not be named from the Harry Potter saga because we think it is a most interesting reflection on envy, talent and lies. We could delve into eternity but surely you have identified with this phrase on more than one occasion, in all those times that someone has tried to turn off your shine.

3Love ends when betrayal begins


The evil and sinister sorceress from the tale of Sleeping Beauty has also been acquiring her own personality. In the film starring Angelina Jolie we can delve into the bowels of this character who perhaps has her reasons for going on the defensive through life. In this phrase that talks about deceit in love we can all identify ourselves, but we are not going to let disappointments turn us into evil witches.

4I’m not a bad person, I’ve just been unlucky


The sandman is the antihero compared to Spiderman and we don’t want to take this phrase as an excuse to hurt others, but it has its point of truth. How many people have ever been rejected for being different, for having had bad luck in life? How many people have been branded as evil without stopping for a second to dig inside?

5Everything that the human being touches, destroys it


The Marvel super villain is not far off the mark in his idea that overpopulation is a huge problem that will deplete available resources. And more than overpopulation, the. It is true that Thanes’ method of stopping destruction may be disproportionate, but we have no argument to refute his statement.

6The world is a beautiful place, yet humans tarnish its beauty.


In the same line as the previous sentence is the reflection of Zama’s in Dragon Ball, determined that humanity becomes extinct. Undoubtedly, humans are destroying the planet and we are getting closer and closer to that post-apocalyptic desert landscape, but today it seems that it is more about holding out a little longer as we are than reversing the consequences of everything we have done. Destroyed.

7Difficult decisions require strong wills


Again Thanes throws us a phrase that will help us both to reflect and to take action. We often spend long periods of time with great emotional discomfort because we know that we have to make an important decision, surely difficult, but we don’t dare to do tithe natural and also of the consequences of that decision, but at some point we will need enough will to take the step.

8People love you for being pretty. When someone prettier comes along, he’ll take your place


Dave or Dr. Octavio is the villain that torments the penguins of Madagascar. This phrase has its point of resentment but also its point of reality. Surely you have felt like this at some time, but perhaps what matters most about this sentence is to discover that when someone takes your place, it is because that other person did not really love you.

9I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things

Lax author

Superman’s evil enemy throws us this phrase that we don’t know if he’s absolutely right but that at least helps us reflect on our goals in life. Would you rather do good things or great things? We suppose that it also depends on each person, but the determination with which this phrase is pronounced serves us at least for one thing: the need to set objectives, to define our goals and to give meaning to our lives.

10There is no right or wrong, there is only power and people too weak to seek it

Lord Voldemort

It must be recognized that Lord Voldemort leaves us the most intense phrases to reflect on. It seems that what matters is power, not so much whether with that power you do good or evil. And this is not exactly pretty nor does it place us in the ideal situation in the world, but it is nonetheless a less accurate reflection. Although we want to add something to this sentence and that is that perhaps the general tendency is to achieve power, but with individual acts we can demonstrate, if not in the world at least in our environment, that the most important thing is care, respect and.

A very wise reflection on heroes and villains

With these phrases of villains who were right, we just want to bring a different perspective to stereotypes both in the movies and in real life. The wicked are not only right sometimes, but they also have their positive side, their good side. The concept of yang and yang here becomes more evident than ever. And besides, have you ever wondered why villains are so evil?

Is the villain born or made? And this same question is valid for the hero. Nobody is born a hero or a villain, character is forged over the years and depends a lot on the circumstances that person has had to live through. Now, what do you do with those circumstances that have touched you? We say that it depends a lot, but it does not determine. In the end it is a choice, perhaps conditioned by adverse situations but a choice after all.

What kind of person do you want to be? Are you a good or a bad person? There is no definitive answer because surely you relate differently depending also on the person in front of you. Stereotypes are of no use to us, we are all the good guys in some story and the villains in another depending on who tells it. That is why we are left with the first sentence, the Joker sentence capable of removing all our schemes.

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