Working Women’s Day. Phrases to celebrate this day

Women’s Day, Workingwomen’s or International Women’s Day. Whatever you want to call it, every March 8th the world mobilizes to give visibility to a problem that unfortunately continues to exist: inequality between men and women.

Since that, when the workers of a textile factory took to the streets of New York to protest wage inequality, much has been achieved, but much more remains to be achieved. The women’s struggle continues and we want to remember it with some phrases to celebrate Working Women’s Day.

The best phrases for Women’s Day

Labor discrimination, difficulties for women to reach positions of power, wage inequality, harassment, violence or gender stereotypes are just some issues that urgently need to be resolved. The fight continues.

1Women are the gigantic reservoir of power and talent that has yet to be tapped

2Blessed women who in their long walk make history a cry for freedom, love and hope.

3I want, I can and I deserve it

4Behind every woman there is a story that makes her a warrior

5A good girl knows her limits; a smart woman knows she has none.

6A woman, who was born with the power to save and love, her existence, is based on the truthfulness of her eyes.

7A woman is one who walks in her own steps instead of following the direction shown by the crowd.

8There is only one thing in the Universe that a woman still needs to learn and that is one thing: she has the power to change the direction of the wind by herself.

9A man’s virility is reflected in how he treats all the women in his life.

10And God said: “let the most beautiful thing in the universe be made” And he created the woman

Famous phrases of great women that we must always remember

11 histories of all times, and especially today, teaches that women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves.

12No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

13If you want something said, find a man; if you want to do something, find a woman

14A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the quest to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.

15what women have yet to learn is that no one gives you power. Just have to take it

16There will never be a new world order until women are part of it.

17A strong woman does not follow the crowd. She is herself

18Boys think girls are like books. If the cover doesn’t grab their attention, they won’t bother to read what’s inside.

19Always, always, always believe in you. ‘Cause if you don’t, who will, baby?

20 the extremists have shown what scares them the most: a girl with a book

21 free races cannot be born to slave mothers.

22If we do not have peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

23Women are the true architects of society

24I think the key is for women not to set any limits

25I can’t say if women are better than men, but I can say that they are certainly not worse.

26Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid of failure. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness

27Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You must really love yourself to achieve anything in this world.

28I refuse to live in the ordinary world as an ordinary woman. To establish ordinary relationships. I need the ecstasy

29I do not believe in the eternal feminine, a woman’s essence, something mystical. The woman is not born, she is made

30Women with a past and men with a future is the most interesting people.

31I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves

32Feminism is the radical idea that holds that women are human beings.

33 As long as there is a subjected woman, I will never be a free woman

Famous quotes from men that highlight the female figure

3. 4A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty

35The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world

36Women hold up half the sky

37Achieving gender equality requires the participation of women and men, girls and boys. It’s everyone’s responsibility

38I measure the progress of a community according to the degree of freedom that women have achieved

39Without a woman’s smile there is no complete glory of a man

40There is a woman at the beginning of all great things

41Men who do not forgive women their small defects will never enjoy their great virtues.

42No fight can be successful without women participating side by side with men

43The woman is the companion of the man, endowed with the same mental capacity

44After women, flowers are the most beautiful thing that God has given to the world.

Powerful messages to send to women in their day

45 never apologize for being a powerful woman

46Love is my superpower. Congratulations to all the superwomen!

47Thank you for being my source of inspiration as a mother, as a friend, but above all as a woman.

48Remember: that no one in this world prevents you from realizing and reaching all your goals since life is one and we are all equal. Good day!

49Hardworking, enterprising, determined, fighter, dreamer, daring… Happy woman!

Fifty Women are the only beings capable of loving with their hearts, acting on emotion and winning for love. Happy Women’s Day!

51Fall in love with you, with life. And after whoever you want

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