38 phrases by Emily Dickinson: reflections on life, literature…

Emily Dickinson has become a fundamental poet of all time. Her lyrics de Ella is acclaimed for many years to come, she is even considered one of the greatest English-speaking poets in the world. Born on December 10, 1830, the writer left us the most interesting reflections on life, literature, love or family. Do you want to know more about her from her? We bring you 38 phrases by Emily Dickinson that you cannot miss.

Emily Dickinson’s life and poems

  • Emily Dickinson was an American-born poet who lived during the days before the American Succession War. Along with other literary celebrities such as Edgar or Ralph Wallop Emerson, she occupies a fundamental place in world literature.
  • Despite the large number wrote, few were published during his lifetime. Those that did see the light were also adapted by publishers to match the time in which they were written. The entirety of her work by Ella was published after her death by Ella in 1890. At the beginning of the 20th century she was already considered one of the most important writers in American literature.
  • His life was characterized by a deep feeling of loss of loved ones that affected him deeply. Many of his poems by him have a recurring background, as they mostly deal with immortality, religion, or death. There are many who allude to a person (it is not known if a man or a woman) whom Emily Dickinson loved but with whom she could not marry.
  • Next we will leave you a series of phrases by Emily Dickinson so that you can enjoy, as much as we do, her excellent poetry and intelligence.

Phrases to reflect on life and the passage of time

1.Old age appears suddenly, and not gradually as it is thought

As someone would say, one day you and the next you are scared of the prices of food and the value of medicines.

2.People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.

Here, the poet refers to the fact that during the most difficult times of our lives is when we find new solutions, developing our full potential.

3.It is not that dying hurts us, but that living hurts us more

This phrase summarizes the idea that Emily Dickinson had both life and death. In this message that summarizes how difficult life can be for some people, for whom difficulties are sometimes impossible to overcome.

4.Living is so amazing that it leaves little time for anything else

This text does not need much explanation. Emily’s vision of life was reflected in this simple but complete sentence.

5.I’ve been bent and broken but I hope I’m in better shape from now on

Anyone who has experienced hardships like the loss and illness like Emily knows that the only way to move forward is to leave the bitter feelings behind and prepare for the present.

6.If you take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying more attention to the little things.

In this sentence, it is more than clear that it is useless to cover big things, but the important thing is to deal with the details to have a clearer picture of everything. The saying goes well: “who covers a lot, squeezes little”.

Messages about literature, learning and imagination

7.To travel far, there is no better ship than a book

Right! Reading transports us to unexpected places; we travel to distant worlds and also to, and without leaving our chair!

8.The poet turns on the light and then fades away. But the light goes on and on

Here he talks about how enduring literary works are; many of them persist from time immemorial to the present.

9.If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold, no fire can warm me, I know that’s poetry. If I physically feel like the top of my head is being taken off, I know that’s poetry. These are the only ways I know. Is there any other way?

Even without wanting it, literature can move us to the point of making our ideas change.

10.Closing your eyes is traveling

Closing our eyes transports us to anywhere we want to go, whether we use our imagination or dream at night.

11.Your brain is bigger than the sky

The power of imagination and thought is much greater than many people believe.

12.We do not grow old with years, but we are newer every day

The phrase refers to the fact that every day we learn something new and that experience and gaining knowledge rejuvenates us.

13.I don’t know anything in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it starts to glow

This is a little homage Emily made to a well written verse or sentence.

14.The truth must gradually dazzle or we will end up blind

Sometimes finding all the truth together can be very painful. That is why sometimes it is preferable to learn the truth little by little until we can assimilate everything.

Emily Dickinson: phrases about love, friendship and family

15.The heart wants what it wants, or it doesn’t care

Emily Dickinson was a visionary. It Isa, because our heart feels regardless of what they say and without paying attention to the sex, race or religion that the loved one professes.

16.Those who are loved cannot die, because love means immortality.

When we love someone, even if they are not physically on this earth, it does not mean that we forget them, because our love is enough to keep them in mind every day and not let their memory be lost.

17.I see you better in the dark, I don’t need a light

Obviously, when remembering the loved one, it is not necessary to have any light on, but quite the opposite: our mind remembers it better when we close our eyes.

18.If I can stop a heart from breaking I won’t live in vain

Emily always believed in love and suffered a lot of disappointments throughout her life, but she was always willing to love without hurting the other person.

19.The morning without you is a waning dawn

Phrase refers to the sadness that sometimes causes being away from the loved one for a long time.

20.Loves is before life, after death, the beginning of creation and the exponent of breath.

In short… love is everything.

21.Until he has loved, no man or woman can become himself.

Love, -as long as it is good love and not a toxic relationship-, completes us and allows us to grow as people and reach our full potential.

22.We get over love like other things and put it in a drawer, until it shows up like an antique, like the suits grandparents wore.

Everything passes, everything remains in the memory, but everything also returns… history is like a Ferris wheel that turns and repeats itself.

23.Appreciate your parents because it’s a scary and confusing world without them

It is very true… and when we lose them we realize that this is so and that everything that surrounds us can often be overwhelming and terrifying.

24.my friends are my assets

At any time in life, friendships are very important. It is not for nothing that friends are told that they are the family that is chosen.

25.Good times are always mutual; that’s what makes good times

They can’t be good times if the one who enjoys them is a single person. The feeling must be mutual.

26.A letter always seemed to me like immortality, because it is the mind alone, without a corporeal friend.

It refers to the fact that in, we look only at the thought of the person who writes it and we do not pay too much attention to its physical form. In addition, your message can transcend time.

Emily Dickinson’s words on morality, religion, nature…

27.Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. To dispose of the first is not to defend the last

In this sentence he makes it very clear what his thoughts are regarding religion and justice. He knew how to differentiate the three topics well, because as he is well known, they cannot be mixed without entering into discussions that become long and do not make any sense.

28.We ignore our true stature until we stand up

Without a doubt, this phrase can be applied to anything that happens in ours.

29.Ignoring or using silence is a cruel tool. Hence this quote: silence is all we fear; there is rescue in a voice; but the silence is infinite

There is nothing worse than receiving a cold from anyone, because it throws us off balance. When they speak to us, they allow us to focus again, although many times the silent punishment can seem to us that it lasts forever.

30.Saying nothing sometimes says more

Sometimes it is not necessary to say anything with words so that the rest of the people know how we feel, because our face reflects our state of mind like the best of mirrors.

31.They say God is everywhere and yet we always think he’s a recluse

The idea of ​​​​religion that Emily had as a child and that was instilled by her father, who was a deeply believer, is reflected in this forceful phrase the thought that the writer had about God.

32.Good luck is not accidental, it is the product of work; so fortune’s smile has to be earned

They say that you have to help good luck and not leave everything we do in their hands. Those who sometimes criticize others because they say that they only achieved the things they have by sheer luck, usually have no idea of ​​the effort it takes to reach the goals.

33.Opinion is a proper thing, but truth is more enduring than the sun, if we can’t have both, let’s have the older one.

Opinion and truth always go hand in hand and the first must be maintained, which, as a consequence, influences the second.

34.Fortune befriends the bold

Well yes! Who else but?

35.A little madness in the spring is healthy even for the king

It doesn’t matter who it is… we all, from time to time, need to relax and enjoy life as we please.

36.A wounded deer jumps higher

In despair we are capable of doing unthinkable things.

37.To make a meadow you need a clover and a bee

Emily already understood the value that bees had for the growth of plants and for the pollination of flowers. It starts with something simple that can become something huge over time and due to different circumstances.

38.Dogs are better than humans because they know but don’t count

What a great phrase! Don’t you think? They are man’s best friend for a reason. This thought reveals the deep love Emily had for animals.

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