46 inspiring Marilyn Monroe quotes: quotes about life and love

Legend, icon or myth, whatever you want to call it: Marilyn Monroe is one of the most influential figures of the 20th century and on this occasion we look at her to extract her most famous quotes about life or love. Marilyn may surprise you because of their depth and because they cover all areas of life, although surely by now you know that Marilyn was much more than an explosive Hollywood star. We put aside the myth of the insubstantial blonde and see how she can continue to be an inspiration for us through these 46 inspiring phrases from Marilyn Monroe.

A brief review of the life of Marilyn Monroe

And what life does not have its lights and its shadows? The fact that we are facing one of the biggest stars does not mean that everything in Marilyn Monroe’s life was brilliant. And neither was her life de Ella as dark as some insist on pointing out. She was born on June 1, 1926 as Norma Jeanne Morten son and died on August 4, 1962 as Marilyn Monroe and in 36 years she had time to become a symbol, an emblem of what? Everything, really.

Marilyn is a pop culture icon, an erotic myth, a symbol of intimate liberation, one of the great legends of Hollywood. Beyond the “silly blonde” image, the truth is that has taken this woman who lived intensely as an ally. A celebrity that transcended her time of hers and that today continues to generate millionaire income. It is evident that we are not dealing with a conventional person; we are dealing with one of the most important figures of our Western culture.

While Marilyn Monroe enjoyed (and suffered from) success, she also knew life’s hardships. She cannot avoid becoming an example of overcoming a person who lived a complicated childhood with abuse, foster homes or abandonment. From a difficult childhood, she came out ready to take on the world and, indeed, she did. Movies like ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, ‘Niagara’ or ‘Temptation Lives Above’ boosted her image of her as a symbol of her of her as much as her checking account of her or her international fame of her. And her de Ella posing de Ella as her model de Ella reinforced that mythical image that on more than one occasion weighed so heavily on our favorite star. Yes, Marilyn was one of those women who already in the 50s felt the weight of objectification.

But she continued with her career with a firm and determined step while her personal life suffered the ups and downs of any person. Marriages that ended in divorce with men as diverse as the athlete Joe DiMaggio or the writer Arthur Miller give us an idea of ​​the variety of concerns Marilyn had and the difficulty of pigeonholing her no matter how hard we try. And lovers like tell us that we really are looking at one of the most interesting women on the planet.

And speaking of JFK and without wishing to make ourselves suspicious or encourage conspiracy theories, we have to come to the unfortunate death of Marilyn Monroe, which according to the official version occurred due to an overdose of barbiturates. Lucky for us Marilyn’s death was not the end of her as we can still draw inspiration from her today and forever.

Beautiful Marilyn Monroe phrases about life

Despite her unfortunate and anticipated end, Marilyn Monroe’s flowed like the rest of the people, with ups and downs, with demolitions and reconstructions. She was a star, but through these phrases about life you will realize that the stars are as human as we are.

I’m trying to find myself as a person, sometimes that’s not easy to do. Millions of people live their entire lives without meeting

Let’s stop for a moment to discover who we really are.

Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is a lot to smile about

A touch of positive thinking never hurts.

Things go wrong to appreciate them when they go well

What learning can you extract from the worst moments?

I’m alone; I’m always alone no matter what

You can suffer even if you are surrounded by many people.

A woman knows, by intuition or instinct, what is best for her.

If you let yourself be guided by your instinct, you will surely do better.

I restore myself when I’m alone

Those moments of introspection that we all need.

I firmly believe that everything in life happens for a reason.

It is necessary to believe this in order not to lose.

We should all start living before we get too old

And you, have you already started living?

friends accept you as you are

We talk about true.

Fear is stupid, regret too

Very true, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

Sometimes I feel like my whole life has been one big rejection

Rejection causes enormous emotional suffering that can overwhelm your entire life.

Dogs never bite me, only humans

At times you can stop believing in the human race, but try to make it go away soon and trust again.

Friends will tell you what you want to hear, but best friends will tell you the truth.

The truth always; even if it hurts.

If I had followed all the rules, I would never have gotten anywhere.

And if for once you break the rules?

I don’t forgive people because I’m weak, I forgive because I’m strong enough to know that we all make mistakes.

Learning toys an art that improves your life considerably.

If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them beautiful.

An attempt to profit from falsehood.

Sometimes things fall apart so that other wonderful things can arise.

Have you stopped to think about everything you can build after a demolition?

Marilyn Monroe’s beautiful messages about love

The professional career, the fame, the success, the glamorous life of a Hollywood star with its lights and its shadows… and love. Marilyn Monroe reflected a lot, like all of us, about relationships. These are some of her conclusions about her and they will surely be useful to you.

Happiness is within one, not next to anyone

You can bewitch someone, but no one is going to make you happy if you don’t make it yourself.

No woman should ever forget that she doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.

The importance of reciprocity in love.

Disappointments make you open your eyes and close your heart

At some point you have to open your heart again.

strong men do not have to be dominant towards women.

I wish some men would take note.

I think that sexuality is only attractive when it is natural and spontaneous

Spontaneity is a safe bet in all areas of life.

Don’t presume you were first in my heart if you weren’t smart enough to be last

Clear warnings about love.

Love doesn’t need to be perfect; it just needs to be true.

Don’t look for perfection, look for authenticity.

It’s wonderful to have someone who praises you, who wishes you

Without a doubt, a good love is a wonderful experience.

Boys think girls are like books. If the cover doesn’t grab their attention, they won’t bother to read what’s inside.

Luckily some men don’t think so.

If it made you happy, it doesn’t count as a mistake.

You have to know how to appreciate that, although they did not work, one day made us happy.

It’s better to be alone than unhappy with someone

Popular wisdom already says that better alone than in bad company.

The truth is that I have never deceived anyone. I have sometimes let men deceive themselves

Because one cannot be responsible for what others think.

A run is wonderful, but you can’t snuggle up with it on a cold night.

Do you have to choose between professional success and success in love?

When a girl goes to a party, those guys always show up with the smile of “how handsome I am, no one can resist me.” A girl can do without these guys.

We are about to get this phrase tattooed on us.

The true lover is the man who moves her by touching her head, smiling or looking into her eyes.

The true and also the.

Someone who treats you well only when they are about to lose you, does not deserve you to return

Some people don’t know what they have until they lose it. It is not written anywhere that you have to give them a second chance.

I’ve never left anyone I’ve believed in

Believing in the other person, betting on the other person; therein lies the key to couple relationships.

If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.

Do we agree 100%?

Marilyn Monroe phrases to succeed in life

Without a doubt, Marilyn Monroe was a winner, at least in her profession. And she left us some that can help us lead on the path to success no matter what each one understands by success.

Hopefully the wait doesn’t wear down my dreams

We cannot afford to stop dreaming.

I like to be fully clothed, or else fully naked. I don’t like half measures

You don’t always find virtue in the middle ground.

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be utterly ridiculous than utterly boring.

How are you feeling ridiculous?

With fame you can read other people’s opinions about you, but what’s important is how you feel about yourself.

Luckily not everyone aspires to fame, but surely in your environment you can also feel the weight of other people’s opinions like a real stone.

I don’t stop when I’m tired. I only stop when I’m done

To complete overcoming

Just because you failed once doesn’t mean you’ll fail at everything.

What if you try again? What if you try another way? Whatever you do, keep believing in yourself.

I don’t want to make money. I just want to be wonderful

And being wonderful is a way to succeed in life.

Respect is one of life’s great treasures.

in large twos, please.

I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else.

It doesn’t matter what you understand by success, it only matters what makes you happy.

give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world

very special phrase for shoe lovers.

We are all stars and we deserve to shine

May we never forget this.

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