58 very positive Thursday phrases: quotes and sayings to reflect on

How do you feel on Thursday? It is a strange day, because it is not among the most hated days although it is true that everything depends on the attitude. The difference between thinking that it is still Thursday and thinking that it is already Thursday is abysmal, but many times taking one or the other option does not depend on us. Be that as it may, Thursday is there, right in the middle of the week and that is why we have selected 58 very positive Thursday phrases that will help you throughout the week. Which of these quotes and sayings to reflect on will become your favorite?

Is Thursday the best day of the week?

  • There is a lot of controversy when it comes to deciding what the best day of the week is. Most of us have Friday or Saturday in mind, not so much Sunday that we hate out of anticipation, not because there’s anything wrong with Sunday. Undoubtedly, Monday wins the prize for the most hated day and sometimes for no reason because; put in good vibes mode, Monday begins a new week full of opportunities to do better.
  • But okay, we know we can’t convince you about Monday. Then Tuesday as days that are there and that you have to cope with as best you can. They do not generate the rejection of Monday, but it is not that they provoke sympathy. And finally we reached the middle of the week: Thursday.
  • Thursday is a great day, isn’t it? If only because it is right next to Friday and the weekend is being announced. Thursday is the last effort, the last push and you already have the work week done. The Thursday that wants to claim its positivity by trying to become the new Friday. You’ll make it?
  • This day of the week etymologically comes from Jupiter, the most powerful Roman god of all. This in some languages, which in others like English for example, comes from the god Thor. Both gods, in addition to lightning, have a lot of power, so Thursday should have a little more weight in our lives and yet we insist on hiding it among the previews of the weekend. Thursday is definitely powerful, so let’s pay a little more attention to it to fill us with energy.
  • We want to vindicate the figure of Thursday, that is not in the middle of the week to get in the way, but precisely so that we reflect on what we have walked and so that we still have time to rectify. There is a long week ahead, and we are not talking about work, we live every day, not just the weekend.

Great Thursday almost Friday phrases

It is clear that Thursday has a small identity problem because sometimes we do not think of it independently but as an eternal extension of Monday or, in the best of cases, as an advance of Friday. At some point we will have to vindicate the figure of Thursday and let him take his own place.

  • You say Thursday, I say almost Friday
  • This Thursday smells like Friday
  • Can you see Friday already?
  • Nothing ruins a Friday morning more than finding out its still Thursday.
  • Do not despair because it is already Thursday; the weekend is here
  • Motivation of the day: tomorrow is Friday
  • Congratulations…you’ve made it to Thursday!
  • The good thing about Thursday is that it is far from Monday and close Dear Thursday, I really need Friday
  • If 40 is the new 30, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday?
  • He just called on Friday. Is about to come!
  • Happy day before Friday!
  • Relax, the first four days after the weekend are always the hardest
  • I am going to give you two great news, tomorrow is Friday, and the day after is Saturday
  • Thursday is my favorite day to get rid of the plans I made for the weekend

Beautiful phrases to reflect on Thursday

We arrived at Thursday already quite tired and it could be the perfect day to send a message of encouragement. There is nothing left for the weekend, but the exhaustion is noticeable. Write down these phrases that will surely give you the strength you need to continue.

  • Every day has something that makes it different, take advantage of it
  • Today is a good day to have a great day
  • Today is a new day, forget about yesterday
  • Any small detail can make your day change completely
  • wish you a Thursday that is like you, wonderful
  •  you have everything it takes to make today a perfect day
  • Don’t count the days make the days count
  • The day is how you make it. So go out and make a great one
  • Today I have nothing to do except smile
  • Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant
  • Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them
  • When we think that tomorrow will never come, it has already become yesterday.
  • Today is the tomorrow you were so worried about yesterday
  • Learn from yesterday, live for today, look forward to tomorrow
  • No one can go back and start over, but anyone can start today and create a new ending.
  • Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
  • Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway
  • Get up today thinking that whatever happens, you can handle it.

Known sayings about Thursday

Popular wisdom has not forgotten Thursday and is full of reflections on this day that precisely marks the middle of the week. What tell us about Thursday?

  • When the sun goes down on Thursday, before Sunday it rains
  • Aches on Thursday, so as not to fast on Friday
  • Fat Thursday, meat in the pot
  • There are three Thursdays in the year that shine brighter than the sun: Holy Thursday, Corpus Christi and Ascension Day
  • Mondays and Saturdays do not remove Thursday
  • san fuck fell on Thursday
  • If the sun sets on Thursday, the next day is Friday

Motivational phrases to overcome Thursday

Do you need motivation? Not just to be able to survive this week. Maybe you need some words of encouragement to get through Thursday, the entire week or even this twisted year.

  • Listen, I wish I could tell you that everything gets better. But it doesn’t get better. It is you who improves
  • If you think you can, you’re already halfway there.
  • You are not what you achieve, you are what you overcome
  • If you want different results, do not do the same
  • No one finds their way without getting lost several times
  • When you think about quitting, think about why you started.
  • If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
  • The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
  • the best gift you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.
  • Use your smile to change the world and don’t let the world change your smile
  • Don’t judge yourself by your past, you don’t live there anymore
  • When it all seems like an uphill struggle, think of the view from the top
  • You can’t beat the person who never gives up.
  • If the world seems cold to you, light a fire to warm it up.
  • The time you waste enjoying is never wasted.
  • The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you desire
  • The biggest lessons come from your big mistakes

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