54 beautiful phrases about summer: simple and very happy quotes

Raise your hand who loves summer! Summer is usually the time expected and loved by all; it is not for less because it is usually a time that invites vacations, sunny afternoons, summer love affairs, the sea breeze and time to think or disconnect from everything.

To pay homage to the season of the year that practically everyone loves, we bring you a selection of 54 beautiful phrases about summer that you will love. These are simple and very happy quotes from great thinkers of all times that precisely invite us to reflect and appreciate all the good things we have in life. What will become you?

The best summer phrases of all time

Ready to let you be delighted by the best summer phrases of all time? Get comfortable, read slowly and repeat out loud those phrases that you like the most so that they remain engraved in your memory. By the way, these phrases are also ideal to put on your social; you’ll see how successful they are!

  • Celebrate summer: sunny days and starry nights
  • The sun is shining, the weather is sweet. They make you want to move your feet dancing
  • Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair
  • I almost wish we were butterflies and lived only three summer days
  • What use would the heat of summer be without the cold of winter to sweeten it?
  • The summer night is like a perfection of thought
  • It’s summer! Be free, happy, dance and let go!
  • I wish it were always like now…! Always summer, always without people, the fruit always ripe
  • Seeing the sky in summer is poetry, even if it is not written in any book
  • In summer the song sings itself
  • Live in the sun, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air
  • Summer time. It was a song. It was a season. I wondered if that season would ever live inside of me
  • It’s easy to forget how effervescent and free we were that summer.
  • Autumn remembers it, winter invokes it and spring envies it and childishly tries to ruin it… There is no season like summer
  • Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly
  • Summer’s afternoon. Heaven has a golden key on its back that children have fun turning
  • Summers always fly… Winters walk

Summer: phrases to welcome you

We continue with our special list with summer phrases, surely you remember more than one when you are sitting in front of the sea contemplating the gentle swaying of the waves.

  • The holidays prove that a life of pleasure is overrated
  • The time I kill is killing me
  • through sleepy paths and deaf rooms, your exhausted summers stalk me with their songs
  • Summer hugs you like a warm blanket on a winter’s day
  • Your kisses smell like dry summer wheat smells
  • The only thing that gets me through winter is the certainty that summer will come.
  • Smell of sun, daisies and a pinch of river water. That’s summer
  • Summer has arrived. The light became incredibly strong. And millions of roads, suddenly, have asked where the sea is
  • Summer afternoon… For me, these have always been the two most beautiful words in my language
  • ‘Cause a little bit of summer makes the whole year worth it
  • Summer, I’m leaving. And I feel sorry for the submissive little hands of your afternoons. You arrive devoutly; you get old; and you will no longer find anyone in my soul
  • I walked towards the summer afternoon to burn, behind the blue of the mountain, the bitter myrrh of a distant love on the wide flaming horizon.
  • Spring was hard to beat, but then God created June
  • Loaded fruit trees. Golden wheat… Smoky crystals. Burnt sedges… Umbria drought, sunny… Complete palette: summer
  • Vacations are having nothing to do but having all the time to do it
  • Summer is always better than it could be
  • Vacations should last just long enough for the boss to miss you, and not long enough for him to find out how well he’s doing without you.
  • No one needs a vacation more than the one who just had it
  • Don’t cry anymore, summer! In that furrow a rose dies that is reborn
  • A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower breaks down.

Phrases that speak of summer love

As a finishing touch we bring you a list with summer love phrases, whoever has lived it, however short it may have been, remembers it all their lives as if it had happened the day before.

  • Through sleepy paths and deaf rooms, your exhausted summers stalk me with their songs
  • It is a pleasure to cross the river in summer with sandals in hand
  • I could never in a million summers get tired of this
  • Everything good and magical happens between the months of June and August
  • if a night in June could talk, it would probably be to brag about having invented romance.
  • For me, optimism is two lovers walking arm in arm in a sunset. Or maybe in a sunrise. Whatever you want
  • Silence in love is like a summer that arrives, incomprehensible, empty in long and painful days.
  • You are the noise of the sea in summer
  • A man says many things in summer that have no meaning in winter.
  • In summer the hands of the wind move invisible threads in the air that unite the waves, the hair and the thoughts
  • A life without love is like a year without summer
  • Summer nights. The fireflies shine wonderfully, the stars lean on the world like a feather on the grass and arms reach out and reach for other arms.
  • Happiness is living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.
  • Celebrate summer, sunny days and starry nights

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