56 phrases to put on TikTok: quotes to succeed on the social network

In the video, music, image, original content prevail, and more and more is committed to phrases: love, aesthetic style, to dedicate, sad, short, funny quotes, those that invite you to think, that fall in love, that are a style or a reflection of our way of life… Do you want to accompany your content with a phrase and succeed on the social network? You will see how well it looks on you and how many hearts you get!

To help you get the perfect phrase, we have prepared no less than 56 phrases to put on TikTok that are the most original and that, in addition, you will surely love. And if you also try sharing them on other social networks? Look!

Phrases for TikTok of the popular aesthetic style

Do you know the aesthetic, trend, movement or style (let each one call it what they want) aesthetic? It is very fashionable, but that is not why it is easy to define. It is a trend that mixes the typical posture of some with melancholic and non-conformist messages reminiscent of the rebellion experienced in previous epics, linked in turn with freedom of expression, always without hurting anyone.

The fact is that if you also consider yourself an aesthetic girl, we advise you to put one of these innovative and daring phrases on your profile.

  • Not even studying quantum physics do I lose myself as much as when I look into your eyes
  • I love being alone in the company of the stories that music tells me
  • I have more things to do than goals in life
  • If you criticize me so much it’s because you really want to be like me
  • No one can make you feel as guilty as yourself.
  • Above you is only the sky
  • We all have a before and after, a past
  • When was the last time you laughed out loud without thinking about anything else?
  • Dance like there’s no tomorrow and don’t look with whom
  • It’s not so much how I love you, but how you feel dear
  • there are three types of people, those who know how to count and those who can’t.
  • The mistakes you make that are new
  • Don’t let the opinions of others affect you
  • I’m nice only when I want to be
  • you are perfect, neither more nor less

Short quotes to put in your TikTok videos

Let’s go now with a batch of short phrases for TikTok for when you want something original but you don’t need either. Which one does you like the most? Do you add any others to the list?

  • Don’t criticize me, not until you put yourself in my shoes.
  • The bad thing is not living in the clouds, but going down
  • You can have little and be rich
  • Love the life you have, only then can you live the life you love
  • don’t give up on your dreams. Still sleeping

TikTok: funny phrases with double meanings to share

For those who exude and for those who need to put a little more to life, we have some funny short phrases, they are not jokes, they are much better than that!

  • when in doubt, wear red
  • If you want your children to listen, try speaking quietly with another person.
  • being happy never goes out of style
  • Be yourself; everyone else is already taken
  • everything i like is bad
  • Trouble knocked on the door, but, hearing the laughter, he hurried away
  • The intelligence chases me but I’m faster
  • Weather forecast for tonight: it’s going to be dark
  • When they tell me to ‘get serious’ I laugh

Phrases for TikTok special for best friends

To tell your soul mate how much you love her and how much you love hanging out with her, how about dedicating a TikTok to her? But not just any one but one in which one of these phrases appears. You will see how excited she is when she sees it!

  • I was passing by to tell you that I love you
  • No matter the time and the distance, for the best friends the feelings do not change
  • A true friend doesn’t tell you that everything you wear looks good on you
  • The coolest friends are the ones who send you 12-minute audios so they don’t tell you anything at all
  • Your friend, the one who tells you “give me a touch” to know that she has arrived safely, even if she accompanies you to the door of the house, she is the best of all
  • Friendship means taking the photo over and over again until everyone is satisfied with how well they turned out
  • Friends always make plans; it doesn’t matter if they come true or not.

Unique love phrases to put on the fashionable social network

How were we going to forget to put a batch of love phrases for TikTok! Here are a few for you to choose the one you like best: heartbreak, passion, cordial, end in friendship… you never know when you might need them!

  • You are one of those people who is not forgotten no matter how much time passes
  • They are movie loves that I feel with you
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all ills
  • What is done for love is beyond good and evil
  • You know it’s him just by looking into his eyes
  • Love is not seen, it is felt, and even more so when she is with you
  • Love tastes better if you don’t put barriers on it
  • the soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with its gaze

‘Sad’ quotes to put on TikTok

There will be those who do not believe it, but social networks are also for sharing negative emotions such as sadness, loneliness or grief. For those moments, nothing like You don’t hurt who you love

  • If you don’t cry yourself to sleep, you’ve never been in love.
  • Many times we just pretend
  • Nobody deserves your tears
  • those songs that make you remember…

Phrases that are a hint to share on TikTok

We finish our special phrases for TikTok with a selection of hints with which you can say what you want, but without saying it clearly, you already understand us. You will give food for thought and you will surely achieve the goal you are pursuing.

  • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
  • If you want, you can
  • If people were to listen to everything I think…
  • I wish the day had more than 24 hours and I had more than two arms
  • Don’t stop shining, whoever feels bad, buy some sunglasses
  • If I leave it’s because you don’t give me reasons to stay

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