78 Phrases of Fate to Ponder: Meaningful and Philosophical Quotes

What is destiny for you? I can also ask you in this other way, do you believe that destiny is given to us or that each one can fight to create their own? Such is the subject that worries us all, that there have been many thinkers who have thought about it for centuries. We offer you as a reflection 78 phrases of destiny with significant and very philosophical quotes. Will they match what you have in mind?

The best phrases about destiny that will make you think and reflect

When you think about what is to come, you cannot get the idea of ​​destiny out of your mind. You have to live in the present, learn from the past and think about the future to act now. We all know it, however, many times and at certain moments in our lives, the question of whether there will already be a certain plan for each of us or whether destiny is nothing other than interest and the actions that are carried out to get from one present point to another that we ourselves have drawn. What do you think?

1Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow in their footsteps, they will guide you to your own destiny.

Liam James

Certain thinkers were certain that destiny is above us and that the stars can give us valuable clues.

2Don’t live like you have a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is one step away, make yourself good while life and strength are still yours

Marcus Aurelius

The destination can be something far away and it can also be what is waiting for us around the corner. Is not the the second after the one we are living now?

3Letting go means coming to the conclusion that some people are part of your story, but not part of your destiny.

Steve parabola

This phrase will surely remind you of those people who are important to you who have been left behind and who you know are not going to be part of your life from now on.

4There are those who believe that destiny rests on the knees of the gods, but the truth is that it works, like a hot challenge, on the consciences of men.

Eduardo Galliano

Fate is given to us, what if it is not? There may not be a God behind what happens to us, maybe that weight rests on our shoulders.

7To transform yourself is to transform your destiny

Laura Esquivel

Fate can be changed! At least that’s what the Mexican writer believed.

8Man does not control his own destiny. The women in his life do it for him.

Groucho Marx

What do you think of this phrase about destiny? Surely it gives for more than one debate.

9Nobody saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. We ourselves must walk the path


Your path, whether it is written or not, is only for you, no one should walk it for you. It’s only your steps that really count.

10There is no place where you can be, that is not the place where you had to be

John Lennon

If you think about it this way it all starts to make a lot more sense, don’t you think?

11 don’t think you have to lament about your own destiny, but sometimes it’s very hard

Svetlana Stalin

Yes, it’s true, destiny, what life has in store for us, what is to come, can be very hard. You have to be prepared for it!

Fate, phrases that will not leave you indifferent

Talking about destiny is talking about something that worries each and every one of us but for which no one has the correct answer or the certainty of what it really is. That is why the thinkers of all times dedicated so much effort and so many words to it. We continue!

12Fate is something to be looked at in retrospect, not something to be known in advance.

Harkin Murakami

The Japanese writer mentions fate in many of his works. Have you ever read anything of his from him?

13I don’t believe in destiny. I believe in signs

Elizabeth Benevento

Would you say the same as Elisabeth Behave in her?

14We are slaves only if we let fate control us. There is always a choice

Julie Kagawa

Even so, this is the best definition that we can make of destiny, a fact that is there but can never control us because the elections will always be there as well.

15 Fates is a name often given to decisions that, in hindsight, had dramatic consequences.

JK Rowling

The decisions we make here and now change our future, only when that can we check if they were the right ones.

16Difficulty often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.

CS Lewis

The more difficult, the stronger you will get out of the situation.

17A man must know his destiny

George S. Patton

If you were given the chance, would you say yes to know your destiny?

18It was inevitable: the smell of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of conflicted love

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Quean about destiny so beautiful and so accurate!

19What are you looking for? Maybe he’s looking for his destiny from him. Maybe your destiny is to search

Octavio Paz

Finding the destination or simply searching is the destination that awaits us.

20 it is in the moments of decision that your destiny is formed

Tony Robbins

Choose well, that is how destiny is going to present itself in one way or another.

21 in life, destinies are almost always separated: those who understand are not the executors, and those who act do not understand

Stefan Zweig

Stefan Zweig’s quote invites us to think about tomorrow and the decisions we make here and now.

22It is a mistake to look too far. Only one link in the chain of fate can be handled at a time.

Winston Churchill

Whatever you’re going to do, one at a time, fate doesn’t go beyond that.

Fate in the most philosophical phrases 

What will fate have that makes us think so much? The same is due to how uncertain it is, perhaps it is because everyone can talk about it as if they had the answer but in truth, not even the most famous of philosophers knows it for sure. Don’t miss the next batch now!

23Destiny is our will and our will is nature

Benjamin Disraeli

The will, perhaps, hand in hand with the destiny of each one.

24Chance has a very bad mood and wants to joke

Arturo Perez Reverted

The writer mentions randomness as one more part of our human nature.

25Sow an act, you reap a habit. Plant a habit and you will harvest character. Sow a character and you will reap a destiny

Charles Reade

Does destiny reap? Is it really the sum of our actions, habits and also our character?

26Never look where you come from, but where you are going

Pierre Augustine

Look to the future, the one that arrives in a few years and the one that falls every second that passes.

27When we least expect it, life challenges us to test our courage and willingness to change; at that point, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or saying that we are not ready yet. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time to decide whether or not to accept our fate.

Paulo Coelho

The challenges that life presents us without warning, they do not wait; they simply come into our lives to change it and make us make decisions.

28do not forget your history nor your destiny

Bob Marley

Do not forget the story you have written, yours, do not stop thinking about what is to come.

29Sometimes our destiny is like a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches will turn green and bloom? But we hope that it will be so, and we know that it will be so.


Flowers arrive in spring, destiny arrives, and it will not forget us no matter how hard we try to go unnoticed.

30Remember this: nothing is written in the stars. Not in these, not in any others. No one controls your destiny

Gregory Maguire

This other phrase tells us that destiny is not controlled; each one is responsible for his own.

31I want to define success by redefining it. For me it is not only the mythical definition: glamour, seduction, source of wealth and the privilege of attention. Any definition of success must be personal because it is transitory. It’s about shaping my own destiny

Anita Roddick

Personal success, the one that gives us the most satisfaction, shakes hands with destiny.

32What heaven has ordained to happen, there is no diligence or human wisdom that can prevent it

Miguel de Cervantes

Do you agree? Do you think that destiny is a thing of heaven or that everyone creates their own?

33The vulgar spirits have no destination


Do everything possible so that your spirit escapes from vulgarity!

34Fate does not reign without the secret complicity of instinct and will

Giovanni Papain

Fate, instinct and will. Would you also be able to put these three words in the?

35Many people confuse mismanagement with fate.

Kin Hubbard

We cannot make wrong decisions and blame fate.

More interesting phrases about the true meaning of destiny

As you can see, there is more than one phrase about destiny. All of them invite and also to direct our thoughts towards their true meaning.

36Fate is the one that shuffles the cards, but we are the ones that play

Arthur Schopenhauer

He gives us the cards, it may be, but what may also be is that we know how to play well and that we are also lucky.

37I will seize fate by grabbing it by the neck. Won’t dominate me

Ludwig van Beethoven

What a phrase with so much strength and power! Do you agree with the?

38I believed that the route passed through man, and that destiny had to come from there

Pablo Neruda

It may be so, that the route of destiny passes through us.

39Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads

Henry miller

Would you be able to follow your destiny without further ado?

40The days do not acquire flavor until one escapes the obligation of having a destiny

Emile Ciaran

Phrase about destiny has enchanted us! Don’t you think it’s amazing?

41I am a believer in destiny and in fulfilling your destiny. I’ve always had a kind of inner voice that I’ve learned to listen to.

Tom Ford

Our destiny is linked to the destiny of ours.

42There is no nail so strong that it can stop the wheel of fortune

Miguel de Cervantes

Fortune and destiny, the writer puts them on the same level.

43A man is nothing other than what he makes of himself

Jean Paul Sartre

Let each one do himself, chance is not everything.

44Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking

Antonio Machado

The author’s well-known phrase could not be missing from ourhopefullist!

45 the fate of man is in his own soul


We look for it outside when it may actually be inside us.

46A person often meets their fate on the path they took to avoid it.

Jean de la fountained

The roads lead us to the place where we should be.

47Many people confuse mismanagement with fate.

Kin Hubbard

Blaming him is useless; focusing on our actions does count and does have value. What an apt phrase!

48To transform yourself is to transform your destiny

Laura Esquivel

Only you are capable of transforming your destiny.

49Every man has the right to decide his own destiny

Bob Marley

It should be like this but do you think it’s possible?

50 we will have the fate that we deserved us

Albert Einstein

In the end, each one reaps what they have sown, tomorrow is nothing more than the sum of what we have done today.

51You will never fulfill your destiny doing a job you despite.

John C. Maxwell

Do you love the you do? It’s not easy being honest, is it?

52It is typical of the wise man, after having arranged what is in his hand with all possible industry and diligence, to show him resigned to what fate gives.

Juan Luis Vies

To resign you to fate or not to resign yourself, that is the question that is up for debate.

53Culture: the cry of men facing their destiny

Albert Camus

Culture yells at destiny and stops its feet.

54Sad and great is the fate of the artist

Franz Liszt

The composer believed so, do you agree with his words?

55Blessed are the people whose leaders can look fate in the eye without wavering, but also without trying to play God.

Henry Kissinger

We have run out of words!

Reflections on the importance of destiny

We continue with our list of the best phrases about destiny with this other batch. It is a series of reflections that will help you to know what destiny is and what we can do to make it favorable for us.

56We call destiny everything that limits our power


We would do more, we would have more if it were not because of what they call destiny.

57I don’t believe in chance or necessity; my will is destiny

John Milton

The will crosses the path of destiny to make it change course.

58What is considered fate blindness is actually myopia itself

William Faulkner

It may not let us see further, we may see ourselves limited when the truth is that there is still a lot to do. What do you think of this?

59It is in your moments of decision, that you create your destiny

Tony Robbins

Decide for yourself and you will be building your own destiny.

60Raised the wall against the will of the immortal gods, it was not to last long


What do Homer’s words mean to you?

61When you give children the necessary tools to change their destiny, it is truly empowering.

Octavia Spencer

It concerns us all, even the little.

62The sensible man believes in destiny; the fickle in chance

Benjamin Disraeli

It is one thing to believe in destiny and quite another to believe in chance.

63Fighting against our destiny would be a fight like that of the bunch of ears that wanted to resist the sickle

Lord Byron

The poet was of the opinion that it is impossible to escape from the hands of fate.

64Act instead of begging. Sacrifice yourself with no hope of glory or reward! If you want to know miracles, do them first. Only then can your peculiar destiny be fulfilled.


Be the one who takes care of doing the miracles.

65All of us mortals have the same skin at birth and yet, when we grow, destiny is pleased to change us as if we were made of wax

Camilla Jose Celia

We are born equal, we transform along the way.

Special Last Phrases about Fate

We come to the end of our phrases about the destination with a small list that will not leave you indifferent. Share them with yours; you will see that the debate will not take long to start.

66Good luck is not accidental, it is the product of work; so fortune’s smile has to be earned

Emily Dickinson

Lucks conditioned by the effort of each one.

67Things in life follow their course but do not be carried away by their destiny

Gabriela Mistral

Let nothing stand in the way of taking you to your goal.

68Any destination, however long and complicated it may be, actually consists of a single moment: the moment in which man knows who he is forever.

Jose Luis Borges

Perhaps destiny is also in charge of helping us to know who we really are.

69Without hope there is the unexpected

Heraclitus of Ephesus

Hope gives us the will to carve out our own destiny.

70Once an object has been incorporated into a painting, it accepts a new fate.

Georges Braque

What is most curious phrase?

71Fate laughs at the odds

Lord Lytton

Do you agree with this phrase?

72The heavens never help the man who does not want to act


Take action, your ideal destination will be easier to achieve.

73Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values​become your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi

We are masters of our own destiny.

74Attentive to unexpected situations. In them are enclosed, sometimes the great opportunities

Joseph Pulitzer

The opportunities that destiny offers us must be well taken advantage of.

75The two greatest tyrants in the world: chance and time

Johann Gottfried von Herder

Even more so when they go hand in hand with fate. Quean!

76Fate is sometimes fulfilled in a few seconds, and what has been sought for years is not granted by happy chance.

Franz Schubert

This to think about all the work behind the destination.

77The sooner we realize that our destiny lays in ourselves, and not in the stars, the better for us.

Axel Menthe

We will have more options to reach ours.

78In the walls of time we all work as architects of our own destiny

Orison S. Madden

We are the architects of our life and our destiny.

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