Phrases for Lesbian Visibility Day: quotes to support the collective

All people have fundamental rights and freedoms that are not violated for any reason. However, LGBT+ people, by not conforming to the imposed canons, have become subjects of violation and discrimination based on gender and intimate and sentimental tastes. Gender-sex prejudices act as an element of difference and prevent these people from developing and living their lives fully as recorded in the different regulatory frameworks of each nation.

Each reality has a series of clichés that adheres as a universal and common identity for the members of each of the initials of. Lesbians have a wide variety of prejudices and stigmas that give them a personality and a way of life that is far removed from individuality. Each person is in a different way and not for the mere fact of being or belonging is forced to develop in the same way as the rest.

We want to move away from the perpetuation of generic roles and the prejudices of each of the realities. For this reason, we want to show you 13 phrases for Lesbian Visibility Dayquotes to support the collective to help eradicate around them. Take note that we started!

13 phrases of support for Lesbian Visibility Day

1Love is allowed to be exercised from freedom not from the closet

We all have the right and freedom to express our feelings without anyone oppressing them, why do we insist on belittling those who do not conform to social impositions? Let each person love whoever they want and express their feelings without fear of reprisals. Remember, closets are for clothes, not people.

2Loving a woman does not label you, it makes you broaden your horizons and love people regardless of their exterior

Why, if a woman is with another, is she labeled? There is a great variety of realities with which you can identify or, although it sounds strange to you, it may be that you do not identify with any; you simply love the person without the need to classify yourself. Do not assign a qualifier to someone who does not want to be qualified or qualified.

3Love is love and it is not better or worse depending on its components. 

The positive feelings that we express to others are one of the best things that human beings have. It does not matter to the person to whom we dedicate them; the important thing is to do it without fear of anyone telling us that it is wrong because his ignorance of him does not allow him to conceive of other ways of loving. The only way to qualify love as negative is when it becomes toxic or is expressed in a negative and possessive way.

4Being a lesbian is not a bad thing, using it as an insult is

Why is the word les bi an used to put someone down? It is NOT an insult but a condition. Using it to insult someone will only expose you and your bad intentions.

5A lesbian couple is made up of two women 

Let’s break with the gender roles that prevent us from appreciating social diversity and that each person can be as they want without having to adapt to universal norms. TO lesbianism made up of two women and the way in which each one expresses her is open to the tastes and preferences of each one of them. Let’s not fall for the idea that one of them should occupy the role associated with masculinity.

6Do not assume anyone’s orientation for their partner

Broaden your mind and don’t allow your ignorance and/or ignorance to label others. Get to know people and contemplate more realities that can occur.

7Being a lesbian is a condition, not a characteristic to review

Enough of announcing a person’s orientation as a way to present or identify them. Each person has a series of characteristics with which they can be presented to others.

8Each person is different and lesbians are no less

Are everyone and all haters the same? Surely you or you will have answered this question. The fact that you are a lesbian does not make you identical to the rest of the lesbians in the world. Each one is how she wants and does what she feels. Enough of associating actions, tastes or preferences with one gender or another.

9Being a lesbian does not define you as a person or your human quality, your rejection and hated of difference does

The humanity of each social subject is measured by their actions and their attitudes towards others, not by the gender of the person with whom they share their life. Being lesbian, gay, Trans, bi or any other reality of the acronym does not make you less of a person, rejecting diversity and attacking it do.

10Lesbophobia is a choice, being a lesbian is not 

Enough of saying that being a lesbian is a choice! No one decides or chooses who she falls in love with or what she feels or what she is attracted to. On the other hand, hating difference is something that is learned, chosen and perpetuated based on beliefs and ideas imposed by a binary and normative education. Expand your mind, nurture your ideas and form an individual and unique opinion.

Eleven being attracted to other women is not temporary, but your testophobia can be

The only temporary thing may be the person you share your life with, but the gender you’re attracted to doesn’t change, nor is it a changeable life stage. Lesbophobia, on the other hand, can be temporary and will change when you learn to look with different eyes and with the open-mindedness that knowing people offers you.

12Being a lesbian is not synonymous with disease, your irrational hated makes you look sick

Is love a disease? Is being straight a disease, so why does being lesbian tend to be considered a disease? Love, regardless of the recipient, is not a disease. Rejecting the freedom of others to love who they want if it makes you look like a sick and intolerant person.

13In the freedom of each person is diversity, your discrimination ends it

Diversity must be one of the main pillars on which society is based and so that everyone feels included and forms part of it. Put your intolerance and rejection aside so that together we can grow in freedom and be who we want to be.

The 13 phrases that we have presented to you are the most important ones that you should take into account when showing your support and helping to make the lesbian reality visible. From Dario Feminine we want to give a space to each of them and position ourselves as allies in the fight and conquest of the fundamental rights and freedoms of each person regardless of their condition, gender, race or any other aspect. If you have any questions or want to tell us a phrase with which to show your support, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments and we will answer you with delight. We read you!

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