Thought-Provoking Dark Quotes: Shocking Quotes from the Series

Surely one of the series that has generated the most debate in your group of friends (or, at least, that they have recommended you start) is Dark. It is one of those series that, although you have not had the opportunity to discuss it with anyone, it has shaken your head alone and has given you food for thought. What is clear is that it leaves no one indifferent! In each season you can find a mixture of suspense, science fiction, intrigue and drama, a mix those results in this Netflix.

With a supernatural touch, the series will throw you into a whole puzzle from the first moment, raising reflections on time, continuity and the relationship between the present, the past and the future, and how some temporal aspects influence others, something that we love. It and it hooks us at the same time. Also, the reflections that we have come across throughout the series are to be written down and to give them a little thought afterwards, don’t you think? For this reason, we bring you phrases from Dark that will make you reflect on the philosophy of time and how we relate to it. Do you want to join the Dark current? Take a look at the most shocking quotes from the series.

What exactly is the Dark series about?

Dark was released in 2017 and, since then, many have dared to draw similarities or similes with other plots. Does it also remind you of other series you’ve seen? Specifically, Dark has 3 seasons and although it seems that its followers have been left wanting more, it seems that there will not be a fourth season. Its creators have confirmed their goal of definitely closing the entire cycle of paradoxes that have been occurring and creating throughout the seasons, and they have achieved it!

The plot is inspired by a small fictitious town in Germany, where the disappearance of two children will put the police and the entire town on alert. Their mysterious disappearances will begin to bring to light events from the past and connections between different leading families… Haven’t you started this series yet? Dark is not going to be a plot that you understand from the beginning, but you must be patient and let the chapters go by to fit the pieces of the puzzle together, a puzzle worth enjoying that surely once you start it… you won ‘t be able to! Stall!

Outstanding phrases from the seasons of the Dark series

Now that we have seen a brief summary of the series, it is time to review some of the most outstanding phrases. Character conversations, monologues, reflections and endless details about time and life make Dark a unique series. Enjoy the most of the seasons!

1What we know is a drop, what we ignore is an ocean. (Bernd Doppler)

2The question is not where, but when

3We are all very blind. We cling to the nothing will happen to us. We think we know those around us. But that’s how it is? Actually, we don’t even know anything about our neighbors. (Katharina Nielsen)

4Our lives are connected; one destiny is linked to the next. Each of our acts is merely a response to a previous act: cause and effect. It is nothing but an endless dance. Everything is connected to everything else. (Gustav Tantalus)

5Nothing ever happens in vain, not the slightest breath, nor the smallest step, nor the simplest word, nor pain… a unique eternal miracle. (Noah)

6In the end, life  is an accumulation of missed opportunities.

7Coincidences do not exist: each path is predetermined. Everything happens when it should do it at the right time, in the right place, as if the world were a rug made of an infinite network of infinite threads, each one in its place. But only a few of us know where our journey takes us. (Noah)

8No matter how hard we fight, blood unites us. And yet, in the end we would do anything for them. There is a common thread that connects our lives. (Adam)

9The important and the insignificant do not follow the same rules. We can’t change things on a large scale, but we can change small ones. (Jonas)

10Have hopes, but no expectations. Maybe that way you will get a miracle, not a disappointment.

Eleven Times will always accompany you wherever you go. You carry it within you and it carries you. He sees and hears everything you do and say. (Noah and Helga Doppler)

12b The first ends with the loss of naivety, the second with the loss of innocence, and the third with the loss of life itself. It is inevitable that we go through all three stages. (Adam)

13It was then that I knew that nothing changes, that everything remains unchanged. The spinning wheel spins round after round. One destination is linked to the next. One cannot untie the knots, but they can be cut. (Martha)

14There are things that are worth knowing and others that are more convenient to ignore because you can’t change them anyway.

Fifteen the entire universe is nothing more than a gigantic knot from which there is no escape. (Adam)

16Not only the past influences the future but the future also influences the past. (Gustav Tantalus)

17 There are times in our lives when we must understand that the decisions we make affect more than our own destiny. (Claudia)

18Most people are just pawns on a chessboard led by an unknown hand. (Noah)

19Right and wrong are a matter of perspective. (Mickey)

Twenty Men is a peculiar creature. Desire motivates all his actions of him and forges his character. As much as he tries to suppress the pain, suppress the desire… he can’t free himself from the eternal slavery of his feelings. (Adam)

Twenty one believe that things, no matter how strange or abnormal they seem to us, happen for a reason. (Agnes)

22There are times when we must understand that the decisions we make influence more than our own destinies. (Claudia)

23There is no magic, only illusion. Things only change when we change them, but you have to be clever, does it secretly. And then it seems magic. (Mickey)

24Life is a gift to those who know how to use it. (Adam)

25I believe that things, no matter how strange or abnormal they seem to us, happen for a reason.

26In life we are looking for the thread to guide us on the right path, like a lighthouse in the dark. We would like to know our destiny and where it takes us. But the truth is that there is only one path through all time, predetermined by the beginning and the end, which is also the beginning. (Gustav Tantalus)

27Any decision in favor of something is against something else. (Jonas)

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